Seth & Emily Phippen Newsletter (Spring 2021)
“I have stored up Your Word in my heart, that I might not sin against You.”
Psalms 119:11
Hey, Thank you for taking the time to read about a few things that God has been doing here in Malawi through me, Emily and our family! We love what we get to do in Malawi and are so thankful that you are involved in the work here as well. Let’s bring you up to speed on how things are going on this side of the world.
Teen Missions Malawi Boot Camp (Youth Camp)
Just before Easter, we organized three different youth camps over the same two weeks in three different communities in Malawi. We had to keep numbers down because of Covid-19 restrictions, but all together there were 119 youth involved in the camps.
The campers, or team members as we call them, are divided into different teams and their involvement at camp is broken into three parts. The first part is the training. This training is what we call Boot Camp. It is designed to mold all the members into a strong team and to give them the skills they will need in the next phase of camp along with skills they can use at home. After finishing the first part, they have a service that we call Commissioning. After that service the teams are sent out of the camp to different areas around Malawi for their projects. During this second part, that we call project time, each team has a specific task that is given to them. Many times teams will have a construction and evangelistic project. After this time the teams meet back up at camp for the last part, which we call Debrief. This time members share about what they learned and experienced during the camp and we have more classes to equip the members for life after camp at home and how they can use the things they have learned at camp to effect change at home as well. This is what a team member passes through when they come to Teen Missions.
Although you may not have ever been to Teen Missions Boot Camp, both Emily and I have had the experience of being both members and leaders. Both of our lives have been changed because of Boot Camp and we are thankful that now we get to play a part in other kids lives being changed as well. This is only possible because of you. You are changing the lives of people in Malawi that you will never meet by coming alongside us in this work!
Bible Missionary and Work Training (BMW) and other ministries in Malawi
Covid-19 has not stopped us teaching people the Bible. Not only have all three of the Bible schools in Malawi grown in size since last year, but we are also planting new Sunday school ministries, too! Teen Missions has 108 students divided between the three schools and we are still trying to find ways to take in more students. The teachers work hard, not only to pass their knowledge on to the students, but to help shape each student in their spiritual life. I share often with the Bible school teachers that we have a difficult task. We are not just concerned with the grades of each student, but with the fruit of the Spirit that they show every day. We try our best to graduate students who are full of the Spirit and passionate to teach and disciple others in the Bible.
In May we started teaching Sunday school lessons in nine new villages among the Yao people in Mangochi. This is a difficult area to teach about Jesus as the Yao people are 99% Muslim. Sometimes our staff face difficult and even dangerous situations as they move from village to village every day teaching about Jesus. Our staff are committed to the work and we know that God is faithful to use His Word to change the hearts of people to call out to Him. You may never have the chance to meet someone from the Yao tribe here on earth but because of what you are a part of, you will be able to meet a Yao in heaven. Emily and I continue to look for open doors of ministry among the Yao so that many more will turn their lives in faith and trust in Jesus Christ our Messiah.
Phippen Family News
We hope that by now you all know that we will be in the States in the beginning of July. God has blessed us with another baby and Emily is due the middle of August. We plan to be in Florida until after the delivery and then in New York for a few weeks before coming back to Malawi. We are all excited to get back to the States for a few months. The last time we came back to the States was almost three years ago! The kids are eager to see family and friends. James is excited to see NASA and the rockets. Lauren is looking forward to playing with friends and family. Emma wants to see ALL her cousins. She asks to see pictures of them just about every day. Emily is excited for Chick-fil-a (it must be a pregnancy craving) and I am excited to watch our kids learn and experience the States now that they are a little older.
Preparing to leave Malawi for a few months is not an easy thing as Emily is our entire finance team and I do all the administration for our 60+ staff and almost 100 ministry points. We have a lot to do before flying more than 8,000 miles to Florida, but we have great staff here that we have been training for this and we believe they are going to do great while we are gone. We also believe that a test is a good thing to understand how well others are learning.
Prayer Points
We would also really appreciate prayer for the next few months in the following ways:
- Healthy pregnancy for Emily and delivery of the baby
- Wisdom and guidance as we prepare things in Malawi to go back to the States for a few months
- A vehicle while we are in the States
- Safety as we travel between Malawi, New York and Florida
- Continued new open doors of ministry in Malawi
We are really excited to see you. If you will be around New York or Florida, let us know if there is a chance that we could meet up. We would love to catch up with you and hear what God has been doing in your life, too!
We are so thankful that you are partnering with us in the mission here in Malawi. If you have joined with us in prayer or financial giving, thank you! The things that we have shared with you in this letter have been accomplished because of our partners in the ministry.
If you would like to contact us please use one of the methods listed below.
Email: [email protected]
Text message: 321-241-0230
WhatsApp: +265-997-00-48-55
We would love to hear from you!
God bless,
Seth, Emily, James, Lauren & Emma