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Seth & Emily Phippen Newsletter (Fall 2021)

Seth & Emily Phippen Newsletter (Fall 2021)

Hey, Thank you for taking the time to read about a few things that God has been doing here in Malawi through our family! We love what we get to do in Malawi and are so thankful that you are involved in the work here as well. Let’s bring you up to speed on how things are going on this side of the world.   

Teen Missions in Malawi

Teen Missions vision and outreach has continued to grow over the past five years. We are now running 10 Orphan Rescue Units, three Bible schools, and more than 90 weekly Sunday schools! Emily and I oversee 80 staff and there are more than 100 students enrolled in the Bible schools. The first couple years of being in Malawi we wanted to focus on the ministries and staff that were already here—more training and better care for our staff and maintaining what we had. We are excited about the things that have been accomplished since we first came to Malawi in 2017. But we are not done. 

Right now we don’t have any thoughts or plans to leave Malawi anytime soon. We believe God still has us serving him in Malawi and we are very thankful for that. As we look to the future, we have big plans to continue expanding the mission of God through Teen Missions in Malawi and also to bring the Gospel outside the country’s borders into other countries in Africa. 

We would like to ask you to pray specifically for us as we expand the ministry in
the following ways:

1. We are moving forward with plans to establish a Malawi youth missions program in the southern part of Malawi, in the district of Nsanje. We call this program Boot Camp. If you would like to learn more about the program, you can go to the Teen Missions website and look for info on Boot Camps around the world or send us an email. We would love to share more about this ministry with you.

2. We would like to set up a new Rescue Unit in the Malawi district of Balaka. I visited this place in May to meet with the chief and see the communities that we could help. The people are part of the Yao tribe in Malawi, a Muslim people that are counted as unreached according to the Joshua Project. This is a very needy area in terms of physical needs. The whole area does not have clean or safe water to drink. The local school is in a very bad state and many people are getting themselves into trouble. However the biggest need is for the people to know Christ. There is little to no Gospel influence in the area. We count it a great blessing to have been asked to come and work in this area by the local chiefs. Our plan is to begin working there by mid 2022.

3. Right now we are teaching Sunday school programs in more than 90 villages every week across Malawi. Even so, we wish we could be reaching more people in other villages and teaching them about Christ. Part of the beauty of the Sunday school program is it not only gives people the opportunity to hear about Christ every week, it also gives them the chance to continue to grow in their relationship with Him more and more as they are being discipled. Week after week, as they attend Sunday school, they come to know Christ in a deeper and fuller way as the Sunday school teachers continue to teach and disciple them. 

We would love for you to partner with us and pray for these specific areas of ministry growth. 

Phippen Family News

Our time back in the States was a wonderful time. We always enjoy the opportunity to come back and see friends and family that we have not seen for a long time. We spent time in Florida, New York and Washington State. We traveled a lot, but had enough time to rest and spend time with family and friends. 

Sadie was born on August 30, 2021, at 11:15 AM. She is healthy and doing well. Emily has also been feeling good and was a real trooper as only five days after Sadie was born we got on a plane and went to Spokane, Washington! Sadie did great on all the flights. She just slept the whole time! 

James, Lauren and Emma have also enjoyed being able to spend time in the States. They loved playing with all their cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents. They will be sad to go back because they will miss everyone here. However, right now they also miss their friends in Malawi. 


We go back to Malawi on the 13th of October and we don’t know when we will visit the USA again. Each time, leaving is hard because we don’t know when we will see our families and friends next. If it wasn’t for the confidence that God has given us to know that this is what He wants us to do, it would be even harder. We are able to go back to Malawi, leaving our friends, family and comforts of the States because we know God is with us! 


General Prayer Points

We would also really appreciate prayer for the next few months in the following ways: 

Safety as we travel back to Malawi from New York.

For the kids as they transition back to life in Malawi and the many changes that it brings

Financial support—right now we are 75% funded. 

Continued new open doors of ministry in Malawi 

We are so thankful that you are partnering with us in God’s mission in Malawi. If you have joined us in prayer or financial giving, thank you! These things that we have shared with you in this letter have been accomplished because of you, our partners in the ministry. 

If you would like to contact us, please use one of the methods listed below. 

Email: [email protected]

Text message: 321-241-0230

WhatsApp: +265-997-00-48-55

We would love to hear from you! 

God bless,

Seth, Emily, James, Lauren, Emma Sadie

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