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Seth & Emily Phippen's Newsletter (Winter 2022)

Hello! We praise God for this chance to share with you about the things that God has been doing here in Malawi through our family! Thank you for taking part in the ministry of our family through reading, praying and supporting us financially. We love what we do and are so thankful for everyone who plays a part in what is happening here. 

Teen Missions in Malawi

In our last letter we shared with you some ways that you could pray for our ministry here in Malawi. God has been answering prayers for those different things, and we are excited to share with you what has taken place over the past few months. Thank you for praying for the ministry of Teen Missions in Malawi. If you would like to know about more things that you can pray for, please contact us using the information at the end of this letter.  

1. On December 11th we opened the new youth missions program in the southern part of Malawi. In the district of Nsanje. We expected about 75 people to come, but at the end of the first day there were 100 people. After the first few days of training and classes the youth were sent out to surrounding towns and villages to tell people about Christ. The Lord decided to use the youth to lead people into the kingdom of God! At the end of the camp, 14 of the youth who were already out of high school decided to join the Teen Missions Bible school in Chipoka.

2. On January 17th the Bible school started a new school year. We have accepted an additional 50 students this year. Right now there are just under 150 Teen Missions Bible school students studying in Malawi! This is the most students Teen Missions Malawi has ever had. We are working hard to position the Bible school to be able to take in even more students in the future as we desire for many people to come to the Bible school. Each year we graduate more and more students and those students begin to pastor churches, join ministries or start new ones, or work in government or other businesses. The same graduates are recruiting many people to come to Bible school. We want to teach God’s Word to as many as we are able and to train them to teach others also.  

3. This year we have many construction projects in front of us. As we look to the future and see the expansion that is possible for Teen Missions, we are also working hard to not neglect our already established ministries. We have many repair and upkeep projects on the calendar. We need to replace two old toilets at our Matron ministries, one old staff house in Chipoka, a Rescue Unit staff house, two different roofs and many other projects. We are excited about the new things ahead of us, but we are taking intentional steps so that we don’t neglect what God has already given us.    

We would love for you to partner with us and pray for these specific areas of ministry. If you have any skills that you believe would be helpful to Teen Missions in Malawi and would be interested to volunteer with us just call or email Teen Missions in Florida. Their info can be found online. We would love to have you here! 

Phippen Family News

We are so happy to be back in Malawi. We landed on October 29th. It was an uneventful trip, which is good! Since being back, life has been a whirlwind of events and activities. But as I said we are so happy to be back. We really feel like Malawi is our home. Our kids love it here and missed their friends while we were gone. This is not to say it’s easy being so far from family, friends and the things we feel comfortable with in the USA. But God gives us grace for each new day. 

Sadie is doing great. We have all been healthy since getting back, with no sickness or injuries to report. Sadie is growing up fast. She laughs when James makes funny faces. Lauren is sweet and caring towards her and Emma is crazy and all over her whenever she can be. The kids continue to grow, learn and experience new things every day. James and Lauren love school, and Emma loves playing in the rain puddles since we have been receiving rain almost daily.   

Emily and I are doing well. Tonight Emily was leading a Bible study with 95 Bible school students here in Chipoka. I had the chance to sit down with 15 students a few days ago after dinner and talk with them about spiritual growth, temptation and faithfulness. It was a great time and I was encouraged by their passion to grow and learn more about God’s Word. 

General Prayer Points

We would also really appreciate prayer for the next few months in the following ways. 

•Safety as we travel around Malawi encouraging and supporting the different ministry locations

•Opportunities to help the students grow in their spiritual walk with the Lord 

•Financial support—right now we need $1,900 a month to reach our support goal for 2022.   

•More open doors for ministry in Malawi 

We are so thankful that you are partnering with us in God’s work here in Malawi. If you have joined with us in prayer or financial giving—thank you! These things that we have shared with you in this letter have been accomplished because of you, our partners in the ministry. 

If you would like to contact us please use one of the methods listed below. 

Email: [email protected]

Text message: 321-241-0230

WhatsApp: +265-997-00-48-55

We would love to hear from you! 

God bless, 

Seth, Emily, James, Lauren, Emma & Sadie

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