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Shonn & Lori Foy Newsletter (Fall 2024)

Happy Fall, Everyone!

Though it doesn’t feel (temperature-wise) like Fall, the months are quickly flying by. When we wrote the last newsletter, we had just finished the Tough Gator 5K fundraiser in May. We have received wonderful testimonies of how the money raised has provided medicine, housing, food, and sports equipment for the Sunday schools overseas! 

Following Race Day, we all went into full “Boot Camp Mode”, preparing for the 300+ team members, leaders and volunteers arriving on the property in mid-June. We also continued to host youth and adult groups at the Legacy Lakes Christian Retreat Center on the weekends. 

On June 7th, we were blessed to celebrate our 38th anniversary. The years have flown by!  A few weeks later, on June 24th, Katie and Chris (and we) welcomed Callahan Foy Chadwick into the family! Grandbabies are such a blessing. He is a sweet, happy boy who brings us so much joy. He is three months old and has two teeth already!  

Also, in June, we learned that our sweet Oliver (Ryan & Erinn’s son) has outgrown his heart issues and has been given a clean bill of health. Praise the Lord!

The Lord’s Boot Camp went very well, and we all felt the Holy Spirit working, especially during the worship and preaching at the evening Rally. We were part of the “Launch Team” this summer. We didn’t lead a team, but supported all the team members and leaders. I, Lori, worked as the front desk receptionist through Boot Camp and Debrief, answering phones and doing FB posts to keep the parents updated. Shonn assisted in the kitchen during Boot Camp and taught FTM (Former Team Member) classes, which he enjoyed tremendously.  All 13 teams left for their projects by July 1. The Launch Team hosted a retreat and a summer camp in July while the teams were overseas. 

On July 4th, Shonn was going to the kitchen to help unload a food truck. When he got to the loading dock, he experienced some dizziness and difficulty speaking. I took him immediately to the hospital, and they discovered that he had had a stroke. Since then, Shonn has had to adjust his  work schedule and he works from home when he needs to. It’s been a rough couple of months for him, he has been having trouble with his oxygen levels and dizziness. We think it’s still residual from his stroke. This is actually his third stroke. The doctors are unsure what is causing them since he already takes the medication to keep strokes at bay. Shonn had a “loop” inserted in early September to monitor for AFib.  He continues to work ‘heartily as unto the Lord’ to the best of his ability! 

At the end of August, we flew to Indiana for two weeks of deputation. We visited churches and individuals in Indiana and Michigan and shared how we have been blessed to work in the ministry at Teen Missions. We were able to spend quality time with all of our family and friends! If you know anyone interested in speaking with us about Teen Missions, please pass on our contact information. We would love to build up more partnerships!

We hosted a homeschool retreat and a church family retreat immediately after returning from deputation. We spent the second week of September at a Barnabas Conference in Chicago. They’re a great resource for Shonn’s job as VP of Advancement. After the conference, we had the opportunity to drive over to Iowa and we were very excited to see our whole Milo Church family! Our friends, the Millers, hosted a block party so we could visit with many Iowa friends.

The third week of September was our Teen Missions Staff Retreat. It was held at a campground a few hours away. We spent three days discussing the summer, sharing ideas, and enjoying fellowship and games together. But, we admit that we are happy to be home! We look forward to spending time with our kids and grandkids and going nowhere for a few months!  

Thank you for your prayers and support for us. We continue to pray for you all.

Please know how thankful we are for you.


Shonn & Lori Foy

Proverbs 3:5,6

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