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Steve & Gay Petersen Newsletter (Winter 2021)

Dear Friends and Family,


Nearly 500 teens trained at three Boot Camps in Zambia. Sixty-seven new BMW students have been admitted into the three schools for the next term. Wangabisha BMW will be opening for the first time! Boot Camps also ran in Malawi, southern Madagascar, and the La Mosquitia area of Honduras. Our Santa Cruz Boot Camp in Honduras had one case of COVID so we made the tough decision to shut down that Boot Camp. 


Gay and I are continuing to serve in the Florida office as we navigate a very different year for our ministry. Gay serves as the TMI Board Secretary and will be getting ready for our annual meeting in March. She continues to oversee the Personnel Dept. I just returned from a trip to Cambodia to handle legal issues with our base registration and property, in addition to offering encouragement and conducting a four-day conference with our awesome staff there. 


We see the situation with vaccines, travel, and international borders changing each week. Much of the ‘official’ information is often conflicting with statements from the same sources from just days or weeks before. Teen Missions has decided to keep the summer teams and Boot Camp training plans active for now. We will have to see what the situation is again in April and then make a final decision.


Timothy has completed his first term at the Florida Bible, Missionary & Work Training Center. There are nine students here at present beginning Term #6. Timothy has also been asked to help with digital media on the school Facebook page and is currently assigned to the US Teams Department. Our big news is that he proposed to fellow student Nellie Baptista on Thanksgiving weekend. (She said ‘Yes’)

Faith is in her sophomore year in high school and continues to learn to drive. She just turned 16 and hopes to have her license in the coming months. She was finally able to get her braces off last week and is very excited about that. Faith and I have enjoyed leading worship together when we hosted the BMW students at our house and for a recent ‘Heart for Missions’ this month. (Actually, she’s the leader and I just follow…)


For the Boot Camps that were able to run in spite of the pandemic in a number of our countries. Many decisions were made for Christ and hundreds of youth were discipled.

For the opening of a new BMW in Wangabisha, Zambia

Our new BMW student center in Florida has been approved and renovations should be underway soon.

I am grateful for the opportunity to teach Daniel & Revelation this term

Gay is happy to be teaching Pedagogy again next term

Dad (Doug) is much stronger after some much-needed medical care after returning from Zambia. We are making memories each chance we get with dad & mom home for a few months. 


For the end of the pandemic, that our bases worldwide would be able to fully reopen and our summer program to return to full strength

For peace and order in our country here in the USA and for wisdom and justice in our elected officials

For wisdom as the Annual Board Meeting takes place in March


We are unbelievably blessed to partner with you in this adventure of training youth and mobilizing end-time workers to reach the lost in these last days. To God be all the Glory!

Together in His Harvest,

Steve, Gay, Timothy & Faith Petersen

Is 6:8 / Heb. 11:1 / Phil 2:22 & 20 / Gal. 2:20

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