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Steve & Gay Petersen Newsletter (Winter 2022)

Dear Friends and Family,

OVERSEAS MINISTRY UPDATE — COVID is no match for the Great Commission!

Over the Christmas season we saw national Boot Camps running in a number of countries including Zimbabwe, Zambia, South Africa, Tanzania and Honduras. In addition, Teen Missions is privileged to be training over 700+ students in 27 Bible Schools worldwide and is running over 442 weekly Sunday Schools reaching over 40,000 children, youth and adults with the life-saving Gospel of Jesus Christ. We praise the Lord for allowing us to keep the ministry rolling in spite of the pandemic!


Gay and I traveled to Tanzania along with Faith for about two months from mid-October to mid-December. I worked with the national coordinator to update our national registration, complete inventories, conduct training, and explore new fields for ministry expansion. Gay homeschooled Faith, shared devotional lessons with the students, updated the kitchen inventories and helped purchase much-needed equipment.

I am now returning to Tanzania to continue the efforts begun at the end of 2021. I hope to be returning home at the beginning of March. Gay is continuing to serve in Personnel (HR), as well as homeschooling Faith. 


Currently, Gay and I are assigned to the Rwanda team for summer 2022. We are excited and grateful for the opportunity. Timothy is still waiting for his summer leadership assignment, and Faith is registered as a team member on the Philippines Leadership Development Team.


We can’t believe that Timothy is already in his second (and final) year as a student at the Bible school. He is now answering calls in the US Teams Department and helps with monitoring social media channels for the Bible School. Faith is back to her labs at the homeschool CO-OP and got her driver’s license this morning. Along with doing school, Faith also babysits a staff kid (2 years old) several afternoons a week. 


For the Boot Camps that were able to run in a number of our countries in spite of the pandemic. Many decisions were made for Christ and hundreds of youth were discipled.

For a successful Fall trip to Tanzania…Fruitful and Productive

The new Student Center renovation should be completed at the end of February

Steve’s mom (Barb) had a successful hip replacement and together with Steve’s dad (Doug) just returned to Zambia.


For the end of the pandemic—that our bases worldwide would be able to fully reopen and our summer program would return to full strength

For safety, wisdom and favor during Steve’s current trip to Tanzania

For wisdom as the Annual Board Meeting takes place in March


We are unbelievably blessed to partner with you in this adventure of training youth and mobilizing end-time workers to reach the lost in these last days. To God be all the Glory!

Together in His Harvest,

Steve, Gay, Timothy & Faith Petersen

Is 6:8 / Heb. 11:1 / Phil 2:22 & 20 / Gal. 2:20

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