Timothy Petersen Newsletter (Winter 2024)
First off, to you who are reading, I want to say thank you for your encouragement and support of what I do in serving the Lord. I count myself truly blessed to be able to serve God in ministry and have amazing people backing me in prayer and support. It has been such a busy last couple of months. The Lord continues to work in mighty ways and these last couple of months have been so special. One of the biggest blessings in this life is to be a part of what God is doing. He is the one that allows us to be part of and experience all that is going on. It is such a privilege to share with you all He is doing and how you are impacting eternity with your prayers and support.
Since my last update back in August, I have been traveling a good amount for promotions along with setup assignments for upcoming Teen Missions Intl (TMI) teams for the summer. In October I started out by doing some promotions for TMI in the beautiful Rocky Mountains of Colorado. My girlfriend’s parents were gracious enough to host me for a couple of days in Colorado Springs before I moved over to Arvada where I stayed with one of the pastors from one of my sending churches at Redeemer Temple. The host homes were such a joy as I could rest in between gigs, but also have such uplifting fellowship during the off times with fellow believers. After the Colorado opportunities wrapped up, I headed out to Portland, Oregon, for some more speaking engagements. I met up with one of our TMI Staff members, Mike Blair, who served in our Midwest Promotions and we spent the week at different schools doing chapels. It was such a fun time getting to work alongside a dear brother who is like-minded in the area of ministry and faith. We ended the week in Oregon at Multnomah University where we had a booth at Ignite Youth Missions Conference. It was a great time to meet youth who were interested in missions and ministry in an exciting way. The conference was the perfect icing on top to finish out a great two weeks of promo on the road.
On November 21st, I spent my 22nd birthday 38,000 feet in the air on the way to Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, with my dad for a setup trip for a TMI summer team. We went from the 70s of sunny Florida to the -7 of Mongolia. Dad and I spent around five days in Ulaanbaatar meeting with pastors, ministry leaders, and former team members when TMI was in Mongolia in past years. The meetings were very fruitful and such a blessing as we heard countless moments of how God was working through youth in Mongolia. The goals for Mongolia are being surrounded by prayer continually and will continue to be as long as God has that door open. We are very excited to see what God will do.
Most recently, on December 26th, I flew to San Pedro Sula, Honduras, to attend Teen Missions’ Honduras Boot Camp. My assignment and goal for the trip was to learn from our Honduras base coordinator how to run a Boot Camp. Lord willing, in the near future, I will be going over to help run a Boot Camp in Mongolia in the coming years. The trip was such an awesome time of learning, growing, and developing as a young person in ministry. In Honduras we have around 35-40 young teens serving the Lord for five to six weeks. Please be praying for the team members, leaders, and Teen Missions staff as they continue in what God has called them to do.
Thank you so much again for your prayers, encouragement, love, and support for what the Lord is doing. I pray this ministry update finds you well and that you are blessed. Praying and trusting that you, along with your family, had a very blessed holiday season as we celebrated the birth of our Savior this Christmas. May God bless you and keep you as you continue to serve Him where you are.
1 Samuel 16:7
Timothy Petersen