Tom & Linda Maher Newsletter (Fall 2024)
Dear Friends,
Greetings in the Name of Jesus! We trust this update finds you well and enjoying each new day that is given. Thankfulness should be intentional and focused and so we give God Glory for all He has done this past summer. As a part of the 2024 Launch Team (our name for the summer home staff), it was a privilege to welcome the 200+ young people on the property, be a part of the training and then witness changed lives and testimonies of impact at Debrief. We also facilitated two retreats on the property in between Boot Camp and Debrief. Multiple overseas countries held Boot Camps, increasing our number of young people who were serving the Lord around the world. The Launch Team had 24 team members who walked together in servanthood and diligence to attend to the tasks at hand. We both admire those who worked with perseverance in the intense Florida summer heat to maintain our property.
Linda, as usual, ran around Boot Camp, the office and Debrief like a whirlwind. During Boot Camp, she taught classes, managed the Finance Department, was a speaker, and advised and mentored teens and leaders. While the teams were on the field, she managed her departments and helped with the retreats. At Debrief, she was the cook. She is so grateful for the volunteer and staff ladies who walked beside her to lighten the load. She made a friend for life in Sarah, an Australian, who had come to volunteer while her financé was on the field. Linda, for the most part, stayed healthy for which we are grateful.
Ever since the summer of 1984, I have been “MR OC”, and I continued the tradition again this year. I enjoy the unity that is built in the daily running of the Obstacle Course and it’s a joy to start them off each morning. I spent my summer taking care of things in Graphics, Computers and with the online services during Boot Camp. I was able to find some solutions for several of those little “quirks” I was frustrated with on the software development side of things. I also made several bus runs picking up and taking teams to the airport as well as driving to sightseeing. I have the habit of taking my youngest grandson, Oliver, on walks each weekend—he absolutely LOVED the Big Top tents. He would ask, “Why do you put this big, huge tent up Papa?” I told him about all the people who come and are trained and then go all over the world. “Wow!” was his usual response. I can say along with him, “Wow!”. It was a joy to hear the praises of the Lord and to watch those teens excited to serve Him.
For both of us, Debrief is just a special time. We love watching each team do their program where they share the highlights of what they accomplished on the field as well as how the Lord used them. Linda also told me of many leader testimonies she heard while checking them in with their finances. It was a blessing to hear of the miracles for provisions and the changes in the lives of teens.
Cameroon ran a successful summer Boot Camp for the second year in the French Zone. We appreciate your continued prayers that the conflict will end and once again Cameroon will experience peace.
Linda took a term off from teaching in our Bible school to focus on some other projects. She is excited to receive a new student, Lupe, into the Finance Department this fall. Her department will be busy with fiscal year-end reporting to our independent auditor. She would greatly covet your prayers. I, too, have some personnel changes in the IT Department. We added two new full-time staffers and will be training a new student as well. That makes us a crew of five instead of two. I am so blessed to have others to train! We are closing out the 2024 season and preparing for 2025. There never seems to be an end to our workload.
Tom and Deena, Elsie and Jude sold their home of nine years and moved to a bigger house with 12 acres. We are so grateful for the way the Lord opened this door and provided for them. Elsie will be 12 on September 16th. She is becoming a beautiful young lady, and we are so proud of her. Elsie is taking swim lessons to learn the competition side of the sport, plays the flute and is still an avid reader. Jude played flag football which he loved, and he remains our funny boy—he really is naturally hilarious.
Kalah just began another school year teaching in first grade. She also was appointed the lead teacher for the school’s interns. This position requires a bit more work, but we are positive she will grow and be successful in this role.
Zachary and Alyssa, Elinor and Tigs have moved to Alabama. We appreciate your prayers as they settle in and await the arrival of the new baby. Elinor loves to Facetime us and take us on journeys around the house, she is talking so good for a two-year-old. She always starts her chats with, ”Hi Nana and Papa are you happy?”. They also love to sing, which is so precious. We continue to have Link, Aurora, Daisy and Oliver most Friday nights and some Saturdays. They are a blessing and a joy. They have become great swimmers over the summer and love pool time, as well as coloring, building blocks and reading with nana.
Thank you never seems adequate to express how much we appreciate our partners in ministry. What a blessing you are! Thank you for your prayers, sponsorship and notes of encouragement. We consider it a great honor to serve the Lord and your partnership makes that possible! Oh, may HE find us faithful.
Because HE lives,
Tom and Linda Maher
- Praise the Lord for the success of the summer teams!
- Praise the Lord for the health and strength to serve!
- Praise the Lord for HIS mercy and grace!
- Pray for peace in Cameroon.
- Pray for each team member that went home. Pray they continue in daily devotions and continue to serve the Lord.
- Pray for continued health, strength and financial partners to continue in ministry.
- Pray for our nation.

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