Tom & Linda Maher Newsletter (Spring 2021)
Dear Friends,
I can hardly believe it is May already. We are so grateful the Lord led us to the word STABILITY for 2021. The only thing that seems certain these days is uncertainty. It is so peaceful to be in relationship with the never changing always present God of the universe. Regardless of circumstances and situations our new normal works when you know He is in control.
Ministry has continued and grown at many of our overseas bases. Several of our Asian countries are still experiencing pandemic restrictions so we would covet your prayers that they can soon return to full-time ministry. The Sunday school program is growing and having great impact in communities around the world. We have added new Sunday schools in Honduras, Zambia, Malawi and the Philippines. We now have 390 Sunday schools that minister to over 10,000 on a weekly basis. Zambia just opened up a new Bible school in Wangibasha with 15 pioneer students, who are building the school while they attend. We are grateful for all the Lord is doing around the world through Teen Missions.
Zachary and Alyssa’s wedding was such a blessing for our family! My mother, brother Brad, sisters Faith, Beth and Beth’s husband Bob were able to attend from my side of the family. Tom’s brother Jim and fiance Sue also came from south Florida to attend. We made the decision to cater the rehearsal dinner in order to spend more time with family. We had so much fun that night. The food was fantastic and the fellowship sweet. It was a joy to get to know Alyssa’s family better as well as the family of her bridesmaid, The Bengston’s. Zach had planned this dinner to also be a little reunion for all his childhood friends and their families. I enjoyed seeing these young men laugh and share with one another. I also learned about many of the antics that went on that perhaps, I was better off not knowing about at the time. They had me laughing til tears poured down my cheeks. The wedding day itself was beautiful. The venue was amazing, the weather great, the ceremony itself beautiful and the fellowship afterwards at the wedding reception was wonderful. Our sweet granddaughter, Aurora, was the flower girl and she took her responsibilities very seriously. As always it is a blessing when my four children can be together. Oh I am grateful! We had some great times of fellowship with family after the wedding as well. We attended church Sunday had a pizza party and laughed much. My sister Beth and husband Bob stayed for several more days and we enjoyed meals, the beach and some miniature golf.
Again this year Teen Missions partnered with Teach Them Diligently(TTD) in four different locations. We were responsible to run the teen and children’s programs while their parents attended the conference. I taught sessions in Nashville and Roundrock, TX, in the teen program. There were three of us who taught and ministered to the teens. It is a joy to hang out with teenagers and such a privilege to challenge them in their faith. Another group of staff were with the children ages 5-12 and we also had two staff members who manned a booth in the convention hall. In both of the locations I attended the venue was beautiful and I enjoyed the fellowship with my roommates for the weekend.
On May 8th we had 636 people from our community participate in our annual 5K Mud Run. The course had over 30 obstacles and plenty of mud. I worked at the registration desk and Tom was the timer. One man asked if I had run the course, I replied that I don’t do mud, and Tom piped in, she doesn’t do run either. All of the proceeds will be sent to our overseas bases for the purchase of medical supplies, food and clothing for those in need. What a blessing!
We will be running a Boot Camp and summer missions trip program this summer! We are offering 12 teams and they are full! Our teams are going to South Africa, Uganda, Malawi, Zambia, Alaska, Idaho, Iowa, Honduras and Ecuador. Everyone is excited and looking forward to what the Lord will do in the lives of these young people. We are having a closed program. None of our activities will be open to the public in order to ensure everyone can go. Everyone is required to have a negative Covid test before arrival and the kids will need to test negative to fly. We will both have various responsibilities during Boot Camp. I am looking forward to teaching a few classes.
Tom continues to work in Graphics and with the Computer Programs. Designing and printing all the materials for the recent Mud Run kept he and his one staff co-worker quite busy. He also stays busy helping the entire staff trouble shoot all their techie issues. As the summer program draws closer the Finance Department has had plenty of work to accomplish. I am grateful for the three young ladies I work alongside, we are able to enjoy our fellowship as we serve the Lord together. I just completed an online Zoom weekly Bible study. I really enjoyed meeting new ladies from my community as we studied the Book of Genesis together each week. I am looking forward to the fall when we begin the Book of Matthew. We usually see Kalah once a week and plan to see Zach and Alyssa at least once a month. They live in Lake Helen, FL, which is about an hour from us. They have settled in and are enjoying life together. We enjoy the times with our grandchildren as well. There is nothing like little hugs and I love yous.
Tom and I will be running the home office this summer and not taking a team overseas. We will be responsible for answering the phone calls of parents, recording the incoming reports from teams on our website and managing the property. We will also oversee the Debriefs when the teams return. We are blessed to have three other staff and three volunteers here with us to share the work load. We appreciate your prayers that everyone out on trips will stay safe, healthy and the Lord will do mighty things both in the lives of the teens and those they impact.
We are so grateful for your faithful prayers and support of our ministry. We are so blessed by your generosity even in these changing times. THANK YOU for your partnership, together we are impacting lives around the world!
1. Praise the Lord for a successful Mud Run.
2. Praise God for the opportunity to run a summer program.
3. Praise the Lord for the many lives being transformed by the outreach programs at all our bases.
4. Praise God for faithful ministry partners.
1. Pray for a successful summer program.
2. Pray for wisdom, strength and good health for Tom and I this summer.
3. Unspoken family request. Pray for wisdom, grace, healing and the Lord’s leading.
Because He Lives
Tom and Linda