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Tom & Linda Maher Newsletter (Spring 2024)

Dear Friends,

Happy Spring! I can’t believe we are in the fifth month of a year that feels like it started two weeks ago. We feel as if time is quickly slipping away. Our ‘word’ of the year has been DEVOTE and the Lord has given us many opportunities to pray for children, grandchildren, siblings, co-workers, friends and supporters. I am being intentional about my prayer time right now. I am taking that time to be still, be watchful and be overwhelmed with God’s goodness and love.

We just finished our Annual 5K Tough Gator Mud Run, which is our biggest fundraiser to help our overseas bases meet the needs of those who are in dire situations. We had over 600 participate and it was a blessing to see everyone enjoy the race and learn more about what Teen Missions does worldwide. Tom and I were blessed personally to see many we knew from our community along with Former Team Members and individuals who partner with the ministry of Teen Missions.

Our summer trips are full!! What a blessing and privilege to see the growth to add two more teams than last year. All the trips are going with a diverse, godly and fully staffed leadership team! We are seeing growth in the Sojourner School of Ministry with six new students onboarding in the fall. That number could increase if young people who participate in teams this summer choose to join the school. We are also onboarding more staff. We have a new couple that will join us by the end of the month and two singles and one more family by fall! What a blessing to see growth in every area of ministry.

We were just about to go out the gate on our property the other day when we received a call. Long-time friends and supporters Dan & Pat were at the gate. We went up and greeted them and took them on a tour. Dan was even wearing his bus driver badge from the 80s. What a joy and blessing to have them stop by and see the ministry after many years away. We were honored and encouraged they came.

This summer, Overseas Boot Camps will take place in Cameroon, Malawi, Madagascar and in a Southeast Asian country. Tom and I were encouraged to see Cameroon doing their second Boot Camp in the French Zone. We are trusting the Lord to increase both the participant numbers and to see many more added to the Kingdom through the evangelism efforts of the teams.

Currently, the plan is for Tom and I to be a part of the Summer Staff responsible for holding down the fort for the summer. We will partner with other staff to post weekly online reports, answer questions from parents and pastors (praying with these is such a privilege), facilitate Debriefs, and this year two retreats. I will also keep up with the financial needs of my department over the course of the summer as well.

We will have multiple responsibilities during the Boot Camp program here for North American teens. Please pray for wisdom, strength and the joy of the Lord in all we do. I will be teaching several classes so pray for the Lord’s anointing and that all will be done for the glory of the Lord.

We still host four grandchildren every Friday night. I pick them up from school and then they come to our place. They just love our Big Top tents. Our pool is under construction right now, but when that is finalized we will enjoy that until Boot Camp begins. We love them so much and enjoy our time together. Zach’s two girls have back-to-back birthdays and we celebrated both recently. Elinor was two and Tigs will be one on June 13. They also shared with us that we are having baby #3 at the end of October, and it is another girl. So our son will be a girl dad of three girls under three. What a blessing! Tom and Deena have been through some recent job changes so we appreciate your prayers, especially for Deena as she learns an entire new system. She is so smart and talented and we are confident she will be a blessing to this new company. Tom had some changes within his staff so we appreciate prayers for him as they adjust. Elsie is taking swimming lessons and becoming quite good. Jude is playing flag football and loves it. Kalah is wrapping up the first-grade year of teaching and beginning her planning for the next school year. All our children and grandchildren are such a joy.

I have had some health issues this past few months and appreciate your prayers. Since my episode with shingles, my immune system has been under attack. We are trusting the Lord for healing. I have been more than busy with the demands of my department, writing materials and teaching. Tom also has been busy with our new website, computer training and graphics. We consider it such a privilege to serve the Lord we love.

We cannot begin to thank you enough for your prayers and support as we partner together to proclaim the Gospel worldwide!!! We often say we have the best support team behind us!!!

May the Lord Bless You and Keep You May His face shine upon you and give you Peace!

Because He Lives,

Tom and Linda Maher
Phil. 4:13

We are thankful for a successful Mud Run.
We are thankful for the increase in ministry numbers.
We are thankful for our children and grandchildren.
We are thankful for our team of partners both in prayer and financial support.

Pray for health, strength, wisdom and joy in our responsibilities.
Pray that each team member and leader this summer will have a life-changing summer that impacts eternity.
Pray for a safe pregnancy and healthy delivery for Alyssa.
Pray for our children walking in challenging situations.

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