Tom & Linda Maher Newsletter (Winter 2021)
Dear Friends,
Happy New Year! As we say goodbye to 2020, we have to admit that although it was definitely a year filled with challenges and “new norms”, we still leave the year with a heart of thankfulness. We are grateful for good health, family and a ministry in which to serve the Lord. Our chosen word for 2020 was PATH. The PATH seemed to take more twists and turns than in years past; however, we are confident it was an ordained one where the Lord walked beside us. Our chosen word for 2021 is STABILITY. Isaiah 33:6 - “And He will be the STABILITY of your times, abundance of salvation, wisdom and knowledge; the fear of the Lord is Zion’s treasure.” We can move forward in hope in 2021 because God is the STABILITY of our times. Our hope is not in governments nor its leaders, or what else the culture deems necessary or important. Our hope is in the unchangeable, eternal, merciful God. He has never failed us in 40 years of ministry and He won’t start now! We choose to trust Him and continue in faithfulness to live out and proclaim the Gospel with perseverance.
The Ministry has continued both here and around the world this winter. Zambia successfully ran three Boot Camps with 500 teens participating. There is also a new Bible school opening in Zambia soon. Boot Camps also ran in Malawi, southern Madagascar and Honduras. We are so grateful for these open doors of ministry. We still have a few bases that are either in lockdown or have had to suspend their Bible schools.
November was filled with special memories. Tom and I celebrated 40 years of marriage on the 22nd. In light of all the current travel restrictions and yet still wanting to get away, we planned a getaway here in Florida. We traveled over to Naples on the West Coast and had a wonderful time. We strolled through a beautiful botanical garden, enjoyed the pool and amenities of the hotel, browsed a bookstore, discovered some fun restaurants and even found a dedicated gluten free bakery. I enjoyed the best cinnamon roll I have had since going gluten free, (which I didn’t really need–but it was my anniversary). I hosted Thanksgiving this year for the first time in three years. Kalah, Daniel, Kelsey, the children and Zachary came. A new addition this year was Zachary’s girlfriend, Alyssa, and her parents. We had a good day filled with food, fellowship, laughter and thankfulness.
I really love Christmas—the tree, decorations, lights, gifts, music and the special things you bake. Tom and I decided to make some memories and make Christmas cut-out cookies with Link, Aurora and Daisy. Wow, making cookies with three toddlers is an experience. Link loved putting on the icing and cutting out the shapes. Aurora appointed herself the official sprinkle gal and Daisy just ate the sprinkles and chocolate chips. We had way too much fun. Zachary and Alyssa came over for a meal and to exchange gifts on the 22nd. On Christmas day, Zachary proposed and she said, YES! We are so blessed to have her join our family; she is godly, kind and so sweet. They are in the process of planning a March 27, 2021, wedding. This year we decided to mix it up a bit, and Tom and I spent Christmas Eve night with Kalah at her house. We went to Christmas Eve service at church and then returned to play games.
Christmas morning Kalah made gingerbread pancakes and we made homemade meatballs and spaghetti for our dinner. We had a good day together, filled with laughter, gifts and fun. We had our Christmas via Facetime video with Tom’s family. It was fun to watch them open and enjoy their gifts. We then had our final Christmas with Daniel’s family on the 27th which was also Daisy’s 2nd birthday. We love our family and are so blessed! During the two week office break, we also made time for overnights with grandkids, put together several puzzles, played table games with Kalah and took many walks around the property.
Tom stays busy with graphics and programming. He is working on multiple projects and seems to get them completed in a timely manner. He really enjoys the opportunities to see the various space launches here and always makes sure I do not miss them (even if they are at odd hours). Work in the Finance Department is going well. I have been taking time to do a bit more training with two of the girls assigned to the department. They are enjoying learning and gaining more skill. I am teaching Pauline Epistles this term in the Bible school, but will take next term off. Tom has recently been placed on high blood pressure medicine and it seems to be working. He also lifted something wrong and experienced a minor hernia that did not require surgery. We are so thankful that we have been healthy. It is something we do not take for granted.
Thank you to those who faithfully pray for and support us. Your generosity even during these uncertain times has been overwhelming and such a blessing! THANK YOU! We pray that you will remain healthy and safe during these unprecedented times.
1. For the work that continues around the world with Teen Missions
2. For family
3. For faithful supporters
4. For God’s mercy and grace which are new each morning
1. Pray for Zachary and Alyssa as they plan their wedding.
2. For the end of the pandemic so that our bases and summer program can return to full steam
3. For peace and order in our country and for wisdom and truth to prevail in our elected officials
4. For continued health, wisdom and safety