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Trey & Mary Watts Newsletter (Winter 2024)

Greetings Friends & Family!

It’s hard to believe that it’s almost been a year since we made our move to Florida. In some ways it feels like just yesterday and in other ways, it feels like so long ago. 

What have we been up to lately? Both of us are enjoying the split roles that we’ve been serving in. I homeschool the children in the morning and work in the Finance Department in the afternoons. Trey’s time is split between working outside with the Land Crew and working inside on Church Partnership Development with team member’s pastors/youth pastors. We would appreciate your prayers for wisdom for both of us. 

Summer 2024

I know it’s still winter but the summer is already on our mind! We praise the Lord that we have surpassed the number of sign ups from last year’s teams and registrations are still coming in! It’s not too late to sign up! 

Sadie, our oldest, is signed up to go to Poland on a church building project team. Clara is registered for the Tanzania Eyeglass/Medical team. JC and Ellie will be with us. We’re still scheduled to lead the Australia Preteen team. We would greatly appreciate your prayers for all of us. 

If you would be willing to be a prayer partner for any of us, please let us know. We would love to send you a prayer card. If you are interested in giving towards the kids’ trips, you can do so online or send a check to TMI with their name on the memo line. Please also pray with us for more sign-ups. 

Volunteer Opportunities  

Big Top Day - April 13 - Come help raise the Big Top Tent in preparation for Boot Camp. This tent is HUGE and, as we all know, many hands make light work. 

Mud Run - May 4 - Volunteers needed to help on the day of the big race. Proceeds go to the overseas ministries. 

Boot Camp - June 18 - 29 - All types of volunteers needed to serve (a minimum of a week) during Boot Camp. 

We also have church, school, and youth groups that come for a few days in the spring to help us get the base here ready for Boot Camp. Their projects may include clearing tent and eating sites, painting, preparing obstacles, and setting up the Obstacle Course. We would love for you to come see the ministry and be a part of this year’s set up!

Volunteers are a vital part to the ministry of our headquarters here in Merritt Island. There is truly something for everyone, no matter the skill set. Interested in more information? Email [email protected]. *All volunteers should register through the TMI office ahead of time. 

Spring Break Trips

Looking for something to do over your spring break this year? TMI is hosting two spring break trips during the week of March 24-30 for 13-19 year olds. One is to Detroit, Michigan working with Syrian refugees. The other will be here in Merritt Island, Florida on the base with us! All of the details are available on the Teen Missions website. 

Honduras Adult Team 2023

In October, Trey co-led an adult team of 18 to the TMI base in Santa Cruz. They were able to work on many projects around the base— tractor repairs, helping prepare for their Boot Camp,  sewing projects and local evangelism. It was a great time working  together for the Lord. If you or your church is interested in taking an adult team, we would love to help set that up!

In Memory of Grampa

On January 11, our beloved Grampa, Rev. Charles “Chuck” Bennett, went to be with the Lord. He was a treasure to us, both in his love for us and the example he taught us through his life of love and service to the Lord. When I think of him, Psalm 92:12-15 comes to mind. “The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon; planted in the house of the Lord, they will flourish in the courts of our God. They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green, proclaiming, ‘The Lord is upright; He is my Rock, and there is no wickedness in him.’” At 96, Grampa was still bearing fruit. He was still proclaiming the name of the Lord every chance he had, even in the hospital before he passed. He never wanted to miss an opportunity to tell somebody about Jesus. If you were a believer, he wanted to encourage you and praise the Lord with you. If you weren’t a believer, he wanted to offer you the same hope we have. But, with love and care, not condemnation. I’m so thankful for Grampa’s love. He taught us that we were loved and showed us how to love others well. We praise the Lord for the years we had with him. 

As always, we are so thankful for YOU! Your partnership through prayer, friendship, and financial support are a blessing to us. If you ever have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. 

To God be the Glory.

Trey & Mary

Psalm 115:1 “Not to us, O Lord, not to us but to Your name be the glory, because of Your love and faithfulness.”

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