Trey & Mary Watts Newsletter (Winter 2025)
Greetings Friends and Family!
Hello and Happy 2025! We pray this letter finds you well. As always, much has happened since our last newsletter, and we’re excited to share what the Lord has been doing in our lives and ministry.
Homeschool Blessings
In August, the kids started back with homeschooling. The Lord answered a huge prayer of ours for this year. Sadie and Clara had been on a waiting list, but were finally able to join a large, local homeschool co-op that they attend weekly for a few of their classes. We are so thankful for the Christian teachers they have while they are there.
Hurricane Milton
We survived our first Florida hurricane. Praise the Lord it was not as bad as they first expected. The staff and students all camped out at Teen Missions base since the buildings are more secure. All of the kids had a blast and some even wished we could have more hurricanes so they could do it again. Haha. Thankfully, there was minimal damage to the properties and we were all kept safe. Thank you to all of you that were praying for us!
Trey’s Motorcycle Training & Asia Trip
In the fall, Trey had the opportunity to take part in the Sojourner students’ motorcycle training course, preparing for his upcoming Asia trip, where travel is mostly by motorcycle. The second-year ministry students also participated, getting ready for their internships.
This led to a very special December for Trey. He traveled to Southeast Asia to visit and encourage one of Teen Missions Bible school students who is there on an internship. While there, Trey had the chance to see the ministry in action—watching interns pack their lunches, hop on their motorcycles, and head out to villages to teach Sunday school and share the Gospel. One of the highlights was sharing the Gospel with an elderly Buddhist man—such an impactful moment.
This trip was a reminder of how God is using Teen Missions worldwide to reach people with the love of Christ. Thank you so much to those who prayed and donated to make this possible!
HEART Village Training
In early January, Trey and another staff member took the Sojourner School of Ministry students from TMI to HEART Village (Hunger Education And Resource Training Center) in Lake Wales, Florida. HEART Village teaches sustainable agricultural practices and prepares missionaries for serving in underdeveloped countries. While there, they were able to learn some of these practices by assisting the staff in their gardens and helping take care of their animals. Time was also allocated for team-building exercises and cross-cultural training. Trey really enjoyed the time he was able to spend learning alongside the students and cultivating his love for agriculture. Please pray with us for wisdom on how the school may be able to implement some of these ideas into their practical training.
Summer 2025 Teams
Another big thing is that our summer 2025 team assignments have been given. Trey and I are currently scheduled to lead a teen team to Rwanda, Africa. Our team’s construction project will be laying the foundation for a classroom block for a local church. Of course, we will also be involved with evangelism outreach to the local community via drama, music, and puppets. This is our first year with teens instead of pre-teens. Since it is a teen team, JC and Ellie will be “leader kids” instead of team members this year. This will also be our first trip to an African country. Please pray with us for team members to register!
As of now, it’s looking like another summer on multiple continents for the Watts crew. After much prayer, Sadie has signed up for Cambodia’s team and Clara for Romania. Please pray with us for them. If you would like to contribute financially to their trips, you may give online or by mailing in the coupon attached to the newsletter. Just cross out our name and write theirs.
We look forward to what the Lord has in store!
Short-Term Mission Opportunities
Do you know someone who may be interested in a short-term mission trip, but can’t commit to the whole summer? Teen Missions has two Spring Break Mission Trips during the week of March 23-29. One trip is to work alongside staff here at our Florida base. The other option is to join the team going to NY. Check out the TMI website for more details!
Tough Gator 5K Mud Run
Another upcoming event is the 2025 Tough Gator 5K Mud Run, which is quickly approaching! We would love for you to come visit and take part in this fun event that benefits our overseas mercy ministries. The Mud Run will be held on Saturday, May 3rd, with the first race beginning around 7:30 a.m. For more information, go to .
As always, we are so thankful for your continued prayers and partnership. You are a huge part of what God is doing in our lives and through Teen Missions. We are excited to see what He has in store for 2025 and beyond!
Thank you for being a part of this journey with us.
With love and gratitude,
Trey & Mary