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Dominican Republic Report

Hi everyone!

This is Mr. Tim reporting in from the airport, we are about to depart for our flight back to Florida. The team is looking forward to debrief and to being able to return home, but are also sad to have to leave. It doesnt feel like we've been here for all that long, and we wish we could stay longer but we're happy with what we've accomplished.

Our last few days in the DR have been a lot of fun. On Wednesday we went souvenir shopping at a really cool market. The team got chances to pick up gifts as well as interact with a lot of friendly people and learn to barter. Then we went to a market where our teammembers were very excited to buy snacks. The next day we went sightseeing where we saw a wonder of the world, Saltos de Jima. We hiked to some beautiful waterfalls and swam in some extremely cold waters. It was very fun, and the lunch was delicious!

Friday was devoted to finishing painting the basketball court. And sadly due to rain we couldn't get it done, so we had to finish up the final touches on Saturday morning. We finished in the knick of time and the team could not be happier with their work, and personally I couldn't be more proud of them. Then we packed up all our stuff and deep cleaned the dorms that we've been so blessed to get to stay in.

Because Saturday was our last day we decided to do something special and take the team out to a nice restaurant right by the ocean for lunch. The food was incredible, the portions were giant, and the view was stunning. There wasn't a single empty stomach among us that day! We kept up with the good times when we got back with a game night. We invited the missionary family that has been helping us run the whole time we've been here. It was a great way for the team members to get to interact more with them as Mrs. Cheyenne lead us through a very enjoyable game about hitting people with socks. Afterwards we all shared how thankful we've been for everything they've done and we got to say our goodbyes.

This morning before leaving we got to do our community project. Because of scheduling problems we didn't have a lot of time, but we were able to give some food to a much in need refugee camp. The team was happy to serve, even in a minor capacity and the people managing the camp were very grateful, having that last chance to serve right before leaving was a real blessing.

Please pray for safe travels back, and that we can continue strong in debrief. Also pray that we are all able to keep growing in our relationships with the Lord when we return home. Praise God for how much he's been using us since we got here, that he has kept us safe so far, and that he is always good and faithful!

Here are some thoughts from our team members:
"We just got done with our trip and had a little party Saturday night to tell the owners goodbye. Now it's a new day and we are getting ready to head back to Florida."

"Hi friends and family!
Time is flying by! It's an exciting but also unfortunate thought. Our team has grown so close over these last 5 weeks. I know goodbye are going to be hard. Lately we have been busy finishing up projects around the camp and getting the awesome opportunity to explore this beautiful country. I miss all of you guys so much! Please be praying for safe travels and peace of mind as there are big events and decisions coming up."

"Hey Mom and Dad,
We have less than a week left and it's bittersweet since this place and these people have become my home away from home, but I'm excited to see you guys and tell you all about what I've learned and experienced. I miss and love you guys so much and I can't wait to see you all. "

Dominican Republic (24002) Album 2

Dominican Republic (24002)

DR is traveling
By: DR Team Leaders (11)
Greetings from the DR team!
By: DR Team Leaders (10)
DR Blessed with Presentation Opportunities
By: DR Team Leaders (9)