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Greetings from the DR team!

This is our last week here in the Dominican Republic, and the team members have been working diligently in order to finish their work projects!

Praise God that many of us have been recovering from our stomach sicknesses! Everyone is safe, healthy, and able to serve the Lord!

The team members working on the window screens project just finished and installed 16 window and one door screen for the buildings in the camp. We thank the Lord
for giving us the motivation and commitment to complete this project. The other work group, who is painting a basketball court, is still hard at work. After a minor hiccup in purchasing the wrong color of paint, the team is back at it and set to finish the whole court within the next few days! We were also able to purchase 14 fans for the keeping cool in the camp!

The kitchen patrol team on Monday (Arielle and Audrey) worked on a special treat for the team dinner. As well as the delicious national food, they made mango salad from the abundance of mango trees on the property. Many kids have been enjoying snacking on mangos and coconuts throughout the day.

God is really moving here in the DR. Every team member has been growing in their faith through their devotions, Bible studies, and opportunities for evangelism!

We thank you for your continued prayers and support! Please keep praying for health and safety as we go sightseeing and souvenir shopping in the upcoming days, as well as success in pack out and travel back to Florida on Sunday. As well as that, please pray for good weather and no rain so that we can finish our painting job.

Here are some testimonies from the team members!

Trinity B
Well, our time here is drawing to a close. I will miss how much it rains and hustle and bustle. But, I miss my family so much and can’t wait to see everyone. I love you and miss you guys (Mom, Dad, Anointed, Eli, and Jeremiah). I’m praying for everyone back home that those who need comforting and peace receive it.

Elena S
Things have been going great in the DR. We just finished one of our projects building window screens and we are so close to finishing painting the basketball court. It’s so exciting seeing different scenery from what most of us are used to and especially finding mangos and coconuts that taste delicious.

Audrey W
The DR is so beautiful. The colors of the houses against all of the trees and mountains is gorgeous. I love trying to talk with the people despite the language barrier. Worshipping with the people proves that God is the God of the nations. The Lord is working in crazy ways in the Dominican Republic!

Dominican Republic (24002) Album 2

Dominican Republic (24002)

Dominican Republic Report
By: DR Team Leaders (12)
DR is traveling
By: DR Team Leaders (11)
DR Blessed with Presentation Opportunities
By: DR Team Leaders (9)