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DR Blessed with Presentation Opportunities

Mr. Tim reporting in once again from the DR! Once again I'd like to start by reassuring all of you that everyone is safe and for the most part okay, however, there has been a bit of a stomach bug going around. But it'll take more than that to bring us down!

We broke ground on two new work projects since our last report. We've split into two groups. The first group, lead by the always amazing Mr. Jahswel, is putting to use all the skills we used in our carpentry class to measure, mark, cut, and join together new screen frames for almost all the windows around the retreat center. The second group, lead by me, is working to clear out and repaint an old basketball court on the property. They've been enjoying taping off the lines, cutting down branches that have grown into the court, and putting down a truly impressive amount of paint. Both groups have been working with incredible efficiency, like a well oiled machine. Us leaders are incredibly proud of the work the teammates have been putting into this and the new zeal they have to finish before we have to go back to Florida.

We've been very blessed as more and more presentation opportunities have been coming up. On top of the two we had planned, we got to do another two for the camps that have been staying with us at the retreat site that has been so generously hosting us. Each presentation has gone off without a hitch, the team knows what they're doing and they love doing it. It's always so fun to see the kids faces as our team sings and does puppets. We also got to ride on a gondola to get to our last two presentations. It was a lot of our team members' first time on one and they all seemed to really enjoy it! Yesterday, because we did a presentation for them, the camp that has been staying at the site with us suprised us by, very generously, treating the whole team to a pizza dinner! While we've all been loving the food of the DR, having something that reminds us of home was very welcome and the team was beyond thankful.

The team has also been growing in their walk with God. They're more willing to share about their morning devotions and ask any questions they may have. They've also been learning a lot from our Bible studies over the sermon on the mount in Matthew 5. We've talked about what it means to follow the letter of the law versus the heart of the law and about how we should treat each other both outwardly and inwardly. The team has also been going through GG's, a single gender Bible study, which explores how we can be men or women after God's own heart. The team has grown in their relationships with God and with each other through this.

Thank you so much for your prayers and support! We have a few more prayer and praise requests. First off praise the Lord that we are all uninjured and that we've been given so many opportunities to share the Gospel. Please pray for us to heal from the stomach bug that's been going around and for continued zeal for both projects and presentations so that we can finish strong! Thank you again!

Here are what a few of our teammembers wanted to share with you:

"So far I've had a great time interacting with the kids and playing games with them. The food is always really good and the other day the missionary here surprised us with pizza! My favorite part was playing volleyball with some of the people here, it was a blast!"

"Greetings from the Dominican Republic! We've been working hard and doing presentations. I love being here and sharing God's light."

"It is our second week here in the DR and we are having a very good time. So far we have experienced a lot of the cultural food and places on our way to the different churches we present to. I am happy to say that we are growing in our fellowship and relationship with the Lord. Hope to have more great experiences. Love you mom and dad!"

Dominican Republic (24002) Album 2

Dominican Republic (24002)

Dominican Republic Report
By: DR Team Leaders (12)
DR is traveling
By: DR Team Leaders (11)
Greetings from the DR team!
By: DR Team Leaders (10)