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DR perfecting presentations!

Hello everyone!

Mr. Tim reporting in again from the DR! First off, and most importantly, I'd like to let you know that everyone is still healthy and safe. So far we've been adjusting fairly well to life serving in the DR. We've certainly been happier to have dorms and be waking up later than 5:30am from our tents back in Florida. We've also been continually blessed by the food here, every meal has been delicious and abundant, we could not be more thankful!

We've also been putting a lot of effort into perfecting our presentation. And yesterday we got to perform for a group of local youths. This was really the highlight of our trip so far, the team was thrilled to talk with them and share with them even despite the language barrier. Some of them also opened up in ways we'd never seen before, showing a surge of energy that was endlessly encouraging to the rest of us. I'd like to give a special spotlight to one of our team members Neal, who quickly became the kids' favorite and showed incredible energy and willingness to be silly and serve the Lord.

Today we are also getting to celebrate our first team member birthday of the trip. Happy birthday Arielle! She doesn't know it yet, but we have a surprise in store for her later today. We're all thankful to have her on the team and are looking forward to celebrating this special time.

Pray that we can be spiritually prepared to continue to share the Gospel, and that God is working in the lives of those we are going to be sharing with that they can receive it well despite speaking different languages.

We've asked a few of our team members to share with you as well:

"Living in the Dominican Republic has been such a blessing! We've been provided amazing food and a beautiful place. Their hospitality has been incredible and I could not be more thankful!"

"Being in the DR has been pretty good. I flew in a plane that had screens and it was three hours long. We sleep in a dorm room and they give us really good food and today we are swimming in the pool and we played with the kids it was so fun."

"The food here is delicious! I have really enjoyed the time with my team so far. We did our first presentation and it went really well."

Dominican Republic (24002) Album 2

Dominican Republic (24002)

Dominican Republic Report
By: DR Team Leaders (12)
DR is traveling
By: DR Team Leaders (11)
Greetings from the DR team!
By: DR Team Leaders (10)