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Fruitful week for the Taiwan team.

This has been a very busy, but fruitful week for the Taiwan team.

We have been serving all week at Shout Camp in Fulong, Taiwan. The theme for this week is “I am who you say I am”. We have been helping the over 200 teenage campers discover who they are in Christ.

Throughout the week, we have participated in all sorts of camp activities with the kids - team games, cheers, kayaking, swimming, worship, etc. Most importantly, we have built relationships with them and shared the love of Jesus. The language barrier has been a challenge at times, but the team has found creative ways to communicate.

God has been working in the campers hearts and many have responded to the altar calls at the night rallies.

Next week, we will be serving in the Galilee Camp in Aodi, Taiwan. The kids will be elementary age. We are excited about what God has done this week and what he will do next week.

Keep us in your prayers. The team is tired, but encouraged by all the Lord has done!

Hello Mother and Father, I think that this trip has been a great experience for me so far. As we speak I’m watching the kids who were at first uninterested dancing and praising God, which is amazing to see. We still have one more camp, however, and I can’t wait to see what will happen there. - Adin

Doing the camps has been an amazing experience. Even with the language barrier, we are united in Christ. The best part has been worshipping with the kids. - John

The weather is very hot, but I’ve enjoyed the air conditioning. I’ve enjoyed making friends with the kids. - Josiah

Hi Mom and Dad. I miss you! I’m having a lot of fun and making a lot of good friends. - Ashley

Hi Mom and Dad and family. I love you very much. I’m still alive. The trip has really caused me to grow as a person. - Mario

Taiwan (24005)

Teams Arrived at 1st Debrief
By: TMI Staff
Taiwan Galilee Camp
By: Taiwan Team Leaders (9)
Taiwan Photos
By: Taiwan Team Leaders (8)