Having Fun in the Sun
Hello everyone,
Friday was a good day. The team worked extra hard & put in a full day of work both in the morning & afternoon. One of the projects the team worked on was building a new Motorcycle Sunday School pavilion. The old one had collapsed, so early in the week the team cleared away the old, dug post holes & set post in concrete to start the new. Below are a couple of pictures of the team members working on the frame of the pavilion.
Saturday was our 2nd "sight seeing" day. We went to the beach for 2 hours. The team had a blast jumping waves & playing some games on the beach. We were able to see where sea turtle nests had been marked off, so they would not be disturbed. After the beach, the team was able to shop at Ron John's Surf Shop, then lunch at Merritt Island food court in the mall. In the evening we had a pizza party with the Malawi team (they didn't get to go out this summer), then we invited them as guests to our evening devo & worship time. It was wonderful to see the teams come & worship together. Evening devos were led by Bethany J., & Faith C.
Sunday was a relaxing day. We watched the live stream from "The Villiage Church" in Texas for our church service. Then the kids worked on Bible verse memory review, swam in the pool and/or took a nap.
KP - Aiden M., Andrew P., Matthew T., Ari S., Jessie E., & Rachel K. We are now starting our third rotation through the team members for KP, so I will not be listing that any more.
Team devos on the 17th were Elijah J. & Samuel S.
This evening the Honduras preteen team will be arriving back to base & the Iowa preteen team will arrive tomorrow. We had 4 preteens that had to stay behind on our team. Tomorrow they will return to their first team, have debrief & head home on Friday. Our team will miss them very much.
Here are some testimonies from our team members: Question - what have you learned with by being on this team, or what has God shown you?
Adaya S. - The first couple of days I was mad about not being able to go with my team to Honduras. But as time passed, I learned that it is more important to follow & trust God & His plans, not mine.
Lauren W. - God has a plan for our life & will reveal it in His perfect timing. God can use anyone & any situation for His glory. I'm learning what a leader is & how to be one. I have also learned that there is power in God's word & He speaks to us through it.
Zion H. - I have learned to care for other people on my team. I love how we have grown into a family.
Robbie M. - When you go on a TMI team to be used by God anywhere, remember that anywhere may mean staying in Florida & serving at the Lord's Boot Camp.
Abby W. - I have learned about trusting in God. During Boot Camp, my parents were here leading worship. When I had a problem or going through a hard time, I trusted more in my parents to help me than trusting in God to help me. Then Covid happened, I was put on the Dream Team & my parents went home. God showed me that I now had to trust in Him & depend on Him for all things as I continued with my mission trip here. God has also given me some wonderful new friends on this team.
God bless, & keep on praying,