Hello all!
The Uganda team is doing… okay. To be honest, since our last report we’ve had a bit of sickness. I’m pretty sure most of the sick ones got food poisoning from all the national Ugandan food they ate during our time of safari. We had quite a few in sick tent. However, they’re feeling a lot better after rest and A LOT of fluids (plus jello and applesauce). It’s been a weird few days, but through it all God has been good to us.
The work project continues to go well, and the kids are making good progress! We aren’t too sure we’ll be able to finish it entirely, but we’re making sure to purchase extra materials to leave here for the staff and students to continue working on. Some of the students have even been coming alongside the team during the day to help with the wall now. That has been a very fun experience!
Other than work, the team has continued in their normal classes. They just wrapped up their Bible study on the book of Ephesians, so Mr. Spencer has asked a few kids to pick a favorite story of theirs from the Bible to share. This has been a lot of fun! It’s cool hearing from the kids about things they have learned or the stuff that they are interested in. We’ve also been working through our ‘GG’ books, our guy time and girl time.
Also, every morning before breakfast the kids have their library reading time. During this time they get to read different missions/missionary books. Some of the kids LOVE library reading, others… not so much! But something they all love is part way through library reading going out to watch the beautiful sunrise God blesses us with each morning!
As I write this, the kids are doing their final work day. So crazy!! This evening we will be sharing a meal with all of the staff and students here at the TMI Jinja base. We’re so excited to have this time together and fellowship. The students will be sharing some songs and dances with us. We’re pumped!
On Friday we will be heading out to town to do our souvenir shopping. The kids are soooooo excited for this. They’ve been waiting for it. So, we as leaders are looking forward to taking them and enjoying the day together.
On Saturday we will spend the day deep cleaning the entire base and packing up! We leave Sunday morning for the airport. Our flight leaves for Dubai at 4:30 PM. Lord willing, we should be back in the U.S. Monday at 4:30 PM.
All of us on team Uganda cannot believe our time here is coming to a close. We’ve had such an amazing time, and we will deeply miss all of the friends we have made. But we know God only brought us here for a certain time. So, we’re going to make the most of our last three days.
Thank you! From the bottom of our hearts, thank you. We have felt your love, support, and prayers for us this entire summer. It’s been a true blessing.