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It’s our last day in Jawor!

It is Thursday morning here in Poland, and as I write this report a portion of the team is working on laying the last few rows of sub-flooring upstairs in the “new” church building. This has been our biggest project this summer and they are very excited to see it completed before we leave. The rest of the team is busy under Mrs. Maddi and Miss Emma’s supervision deep-cleaning the building that has been our home for last three and a half weeks. The rest of our day will be spent cleaning, organizing, and packing before we head over to a going-away-party that our church family is having for us this evening.
The first part of the week was spent finishing up odds and ends at our different project sites. On Tuesday we had a surprise birthday party at the park for Nate (even though his actual birthday is Saturday). We invited the local church family and ordered pizza and sodas, and Mrs. Maddi, Miss Emma, and KP whipped up some homemade cinnamon rolls for desert. Miss Emma also found time to finish the mural on the wall and did a fantastic job.

Tomorrow morning we will load up the bus and make the trip back to Warsaw where we hope to do a little bit of souvenir shopping and will have a hotel for the night before heading to the airport on Saturday morning to start our journey back to the States.

We have felt your prayers and support throughout our time here in Poland, and trust that God will continue to work in and through us as we begin our travel back to debrief and to our respective homes in just over a week. We’ll let you know when we’re safely back at Teen Missions and will see you all soon!

Poland (24007)

Nearly three weeks down and one to go here in Poland!
By: Poland Team Leaders (10)
Back to the daily grind in Poland!
By: Poland Team Leaders (9)
Poland spends a weekend in Germany!
By: Poland Team Leaders (8)