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One Last Day in Belem

The time has come to begin our journey back to Florida.Right now, the team is working on finishing several projects around the property. Our time has been short in Belem, but God has done a great work in and through our team. We praise the Lord for his guidance and protection and for showing us that His ways are much better than ours.

Since our last report, we’ve completed the sidewalks and are now finishing up the work here. We had an opportunity to go to the Word of Life campus nearby. Fiona and Marilyn shared their testimonies with those in attendance, and the team also had a time to play basketball with them. The team was also able to spend an afternoon at the beach and do some souvenir shopping. After finishing work today, we will go back to take a tour of the Word of Life campus, which coincidentally, work was down there years ago by another TMI summer team.

As we strive to serve the Lord, we are fighting against some spiritual warfare. The enemy doesn’t like what we’re doing, but we still press on toward the goal Christ has for us.

Please continue praying as we begin our travel this evening. We leave for the airport tonight as our flight is scheduled to leave at 2:45am in Belem. Pray for smooth connections as we don’t have much layover time. Lord willing, we will arrive in Orlando late Saturday night.

Thank you for your continued prayers. It’s hard to believe in week, we’ll be going our separate ways. We have grown so much together as a team…we’re a family. We will miss them all so much! We are so thankful for each and every person the Lord placed on team Brazil.

The team and leaders were each asked to write something for our final report on the field. These are their words for each of you to enjoy!

#1 Vienna:
The relationships we have built with the people here, I am very thankful for. And I know that the Lord will use all we have done here for His glory! I am excited to come home, but I will miss everyone here so much. Love you all!

#2 Lucas
To the Facebook parents who check the TMI website and like to chat:

The experience we’ve had in Brazil has shown us how great God truly is - from our 3 day stay at a church with very generous, and I mean VERY generous folks to getting access to a concrete mixer (we mixed by hand before). Our faith in God and connection to fellow team members which we barely knew has strengthened over the course of our time here in Brazil and boot camp. Love you all!

#3 Judah
This morning I realized something in devotions I would like to share. If you only had things that you thanked God for today what would you still have? Even something as simple as thanking God that you woke up this morning. Me personally today was the first time that I thanked God that I woke up this morning.

#4 Boaz
Love you Mom and Dad. Miss you. Spiders are scary.

#5 Ezra
In our devotions and Bible studies I’ve noticed an important focus on making our hearts pure and our desires on God. This is something I realized that I need to focus on. God has directed me to some amazing verses and testimonies. Some major change is being made everyday here. I’m so glad for all our amazing teammates and how much they’ve impacted me. Love you all!

#6 Peter
It has been wondering being in Brazil. It has also been awesome getting to know everyone on this team. I am going to remember this trip for a long time! Thank you everyone!

#7 Marilyn
God has been moving in my life in new ways. He has given me the opportunity to share my testimony. That is something God has been working in my life to do. I love you, Mom and Dad. I hope you are there to pick me up Dad!

#8 Fiona
These past few weeks the team has been experiencing some spiritual warfare, but God is greater than it all. We have been employing the name of Jesus often, and it is so awesome the power it holds.

#9 Cristabella
Dear loved ones, please continue to pray for us even when we come back home safely in your arms. Pray that God‘s fire will never burn out. Thank you for your prayers thus far.

#10 Clint
I am glad to be on the Brazil team.

#11 Ethan
Throughout this time in Brazil, I have grown my connection with God and have learned ways I can serve him at home. I will miss the people and culture here, and I miss my family right now.

#12 Paul
I have realized that I have not been personally reading the Bible and that I have not been active in (praying against) spiritual warfare. Thank you Lord for the whole armor of God.

#13 Josh
God is so good! He has worked so much in this whole team’s faith. Happy birthday, Mom and Tim!

#14 Nico
Thank you Mrs. Mary for everything you did and giving me small extra scoop fulls of food. You are so generous and kind and humble, and I and the team life you so much.

#15 Tyi
Today was good. God is good. See you guys soon. :)

#16 Jesse (leaders’ kid)
I will miss my team, especially Boaz, but I can’t wait to go home to see Annabelle, AllIson and Jonathan.

#17 Miss Lacey
Hi everyone! This summer has been amazing. I have enjoyed watching the team grow together and share their love for Christ with the people here. I have also enjoyed cooking with Mary in the kitchen and getting to know the team members as they each got a chance to work in the kitchen.

#18 Mr. Corey
I’m grateful to be a part of this team and to help lead such wonderful people. God is working mightily in and through this generation. Hi to everyone!

#19 Mr. Eugene
Sometimes in our pursuit of Him, we are an answer to someone else’s prayer in our engagement of His will.

#20 Mrs. Mary
It has been such a blessing to help lead this team. I will cherish the times spent with each team member as they served with us in the kitchen. I will never forget their kindness and desire to be a bold witness for Christ! What a gift this summer is and has been! Thank you, parents, for letting them answer God’s call to go and share the Gospel among the nations!

#21 Mr. Brant
I have enjoyed getting to know each of these team members. It has been a blessing to serve with them. We will miss them so much.

Brazil (24001) Photo Album

Teams Arrived at 1st Debrief
By: TMI Staff
Brazil Photo
By: Brazil Team Leaders
Brazil Photos
By: Brazil Team Leaders (12)