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The Taiwan team is coming together nicely. 

 It’s hard to believe that this team has been here for only five days.  It would appear that they have been together for much longer!  They are busy in training!  Puppets, drama, evangelism- -these are just a few of the classes where the team members are receiving pertinent training for the work they will be doing in Taiwan.  
It’s been very humid and hot here at the Lord’s Boot Camp.  It has rained off and on for a couple of days and now it is dry.  Thankfully, the team members have been able to get caught up on their laundry.  
Last evening was “Movie and Popcorn Night”.  The kids were taken back in time through Mud, Sweat and Cheers  to see first-hand on screen how things were for those of us who attended Boot Camp back in the “80’s”. It was a fun night. 
Today is Missions Conference and  “Pizza and Milkshake Night”- YAY!  It has been a fun and relaxing day. The teams are getting caught up on bath and laundry.  Praise God!
Each and every day, the team members and leaders are drawing closer to God through personal devotions.  God is moving through the services and through worship, and God is stirring in the hearts of the kids...Praise the Lord! 
“Mom, Dad, Family…bug bites are real, but so is God’s presence!”  -Susannah
“My Loving Family…It’s very hot here, but I am doing God’s work and I surviving!” -Nikki
“Dear everyone who has been here before…you were not lying!  It can be tough and challenging here, but Jesus is here with me.” -Grace
“The Lord’s Boot Camp has been very hot…looking forward to all that God has in store for us in Taiwan.” -Nora

Taiwan (24005)

Teams Arrived at 1st Debrief
By: TMI Staff
Taiwan Galilee Camp
By: Taiwan Team Leaders (9)
Taiwan Photos
By: Taiwan Team Leaders (8)