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We’re doing great in awesome Tanzania

I say awesome because it’s been easy to see an awesome example of God’s majesty in Mt. Kilimanjaro. We had our clearest day seeing Africa's highest peak on Sunday.

Friday and Saturday we had the opportunity to continue to work on the car park and paint job. We were able to finish cutting and hammering the wood that would be used for the roof. We were also able to support the Tanzanians as they went up on the roof supports and hammered the wood in (while we stayed on the ground). On Monday we’ll be able to finish up some of the work and do as much as we can to support the base and ultimately the Lord.

Saturday we also had our last scheduled clinic but we realized we had enough supplies to do another on Monday! Praise the Lord. Addi was on Pharmacy with Mr. Ben, Katelyn was greeter, outside with the kids doing balloons was Chloe, Hope, Caden C, Fiona, Mari, the groups inside doing the clinic was Clara and Amy, Sarah and Adaline, Caden M and Owen, and Miss Elena and Grace. Carly was on prayer closet for the first hour (praying for each patient). Abby and Elly stayed on base with a minor head cold just to recover (they’re doing much better now). This clinic was much smaller than we have had previously, but it was a great opportunity to play with the kids and make balloon animals. The team members had fun running around playing duck duck goose, while some were treating the local tribe of the area and giving out glasses to those who needed it.

Sunday we went to another African church which started their worship at around 9 and we arrived around 10:20. It took place in a small outdoor building held together with wood and sheet metal with one or two little lights on the top, it also included the essentials of an African church, 2 large speakers stacked on top of each other. The service was long and included many different things with worship in between each little event. It was great being able to see all the team members worship the Lord with the Tanzanians. We got to do our presentation and Mari introduced the team, while Caden C talked a little about his experience before the team and at the start, and Hope at the end spoke a small message to the church. She did a great job.

The team has been doing really good and we’re sad to see our last week here arrive, but also happy to look back and see all the awesome stuff God has done in and through the team members. This week we have one more clinic, then our day and a half safari adventure, shopping for souvenirs, and packing up to come back to the USA for a time of debrief!

These team members have truly been an amazing blessing and it’s been great partnering with the Lord alongside them.

Tanzania (24006)

Greetings from Tanzania!
By: Tanzania Team Leaders (9)
Hello everyone!
By: Tanzania Team Leaders (7)
Our first weekend in Tanzania has been full of excitement and opportunity!
By: Tanzania Team Leaders (6)