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For Parents of 2024 Team Members


Link to Team Reports
Team leaders will write reports about what the team is /Users/thomasmaher/Desktop/Trip Reports.pngdoing. Those reports will be posted online every Tuesday and Friday. Follow this link to where reports can be read. 

Link to Team Reports
Team leaders will write reports about what the team is /Users/thomasmaher/Desktop/Trip Reports.pngdoing. Those reports will be posted online every Tuesday and Friday. Follow this link to where reports can be read. 

Link to Facebook to Watch Videos and See Photos  
Our media team works hard throughout Boot Camp to help you experience the story of each of our summer teams. Each day, they try to upload an album of photos, a video with clips from the day, and a testimony. The photos and testimony can be found on Facebook, and the daily videos can be watched on Facebook and YouTube.

Link to Facebook to Watch Videos and See Photos  
Our media team works hard throughout Boot Camp to help you experience the story of each of our summer teams. Each day, they try to upload an album of photos, a video with clips from the day, and a testimony. The photos and testimony can be found on Facebook, and the daily videos can be watched on Facebook and YouTube.

Links to YouTube for Live Rally
The Teen Missions YouTube channel will stream the evening rallies at 7:00 PM EST every evening. This is a great way to catch a glimpse of your team member in the audience and enjoy the messages from our different speakers. 

Boot Camp Schedule
We know you are curious about what your team member is doing daily. Check out the Boot Camp schedule. By tracking their team, you can see what your kiddo is up to each hour of Boot Camp.  

Boot Camp Emails and Address
Emails can be sent to your team member at Boot Camp. The email address is their team number, first initial, last name

EXAMPLE: [email protected]

Boot Camp and Debrief Mailing Address: 

Team Name and Number
Team Member’s name

871 East Hall Road
Merritt Island, FL 32953