Ethan Decker

Born and raised in the beautiful state of Oregon, Ethan has spent a lot of time outdoors in God's creation doing just about anything he can do. He accepted Christ at a young age, and since going on Teen Missions teams, his faith has become the foundation for the rest of his life. He was privileged to go as a team member to Israel (2018), Thailand (2019) and on the Dream Team (2021), and as an assistant leader to Honduras (2022), Tanzania (2023) and Malawi Leader Development (2024).
After a few years at Bible college, Ethan felt led to join the staff of Teen Missions. Since his first team in 2018, he has had joining staff in his mind; but after several great summers, he knew the Lord was leading him in this direction. He is currently at home working on fundraising to join staff, working for his uncle on a farm, and spending time with family and friends.
May 8th