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Russell & Kelly Jansma

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Russell and Kelly Jansma reside in Hebron, Indiana. Married 17 years and have two children:
Case, 15 years old, and Cavan, 12 years old. Russ, Case, and Cavan have been on Teen Missions trips. Russ, Honduras Horseback II ‘99; Case Australia ‘23 and Cavan Honduras ‘24.
Russ also served on mission trips to the Philippines, and Mexico as a teen. Kelly served on a mission trip to Mexico in 2005. As a family, we are excited to serve the Lord at Teen Missions.

After Russ’ trip in ‘99 Teen Missions has always been on his heart. Summer of ‘24 Russ felt the Lord calling him to Teen Missions. Fall of ‘24, Russ and Kelly, attended leader seminar and first step. After a lot of prayer and discernment, we as a family feel the Lord calling us to join staff and are excited to see where the Lord leads us.

Russ- May 12
Kelly- January 17
Case- May 29
Cavan- February 1
October 20, 2007