Timothy and Ellie Petersen

Ellie was born and raised in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Her family moved to Memphis, Tennessee when she was 12. Both of Ellie’s parents attended Teen Missions Bible school, which is how she heard about their summer mission trips. Ellie has gone on three trips with Teen Missions since 2019. Since her first mission trip, Ellie has felt a call to full-time missions. Although she was ready to jump into ministry, the Lord led her to a time of equipping and training at Northwest University; she graduated with a degree in International Education in May of 2024.
Timothy was born and raised in Merritt Island, FL. He grew up as a missionary kid as his parents Steve and Gay Petersen have been serving full time on Teen Missions staff since 1984 and 1995 respectively. Timothy has had the privilege of traveling all over the world while his parents led teams every summer.
In his senior year of high school, Timothy knew it was time to make a decision about what he wanted to do after graduation. After much prayer and several visits to other Bible schools and ministries, he felt the Lord gave him peace to attend Sojourner School of Ministry (Teen Missions Bible school). Since finishing the three-year program, he has continued to serve in the US Teams Department at Teen Missions.
Ellie & Timothy met at the Lord’s Boot Camp in 2019 as team members. In 2022, they got to know each other well as they were both leaders on Teen Missions teams. In the Fall of 2022, they began dating while Ellie was at school at Northwest in Kirkland, WA and Timothy was interning with Teen Missions in Merritt Island, FL. They maintained a long distance relationship for about two years and then got married in August of 2024.
- Timothy November 21
- Ellie November 24
- August 10, 2024