Vitalis & Elizabeth Fon

Vitalis joined the staff of Teen Missions in Cameroon in November 2005. He is a member of the royal palace of Nsongwa and has a heart for the village people. As a bachelor he prayed the Lord would provide a wife who had the same calling and desire to serve alongside him. He and Elizabeth were married in December, 2011. They are blessed with three kids, two boys and a girl—Jireh, Shammah and Nissi.
Vitalis coordinates the BIBLE, MISSIONARY & WORK (BMW) Training Center and the four Rescue Units, while Elizabeth assists with the menus and cooking for the BMW and works in the garden and office. They are blessed to be able to serve the Lord with Teen Missions.
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31
• Vitalis—February 9
• Elizabeth—January 20
• Jireh—September 30
• Shammah—April 08
• Nissi—September 23
December 24, 2011
Prayer Requests
• For God's strength and protection
• Pray for God's provision
• Pray for spiritual growth
• For good health in the family
• For peace in Cameroon