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Bob & Betty Lane Newsletter (Fall 2020)

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to 
him, and he will make your paths straight.

Prov. 3:5, 6

Blessings to all family and friends in Jesus our Savior. May the love, joy and peace of God fill your lives.

On the evening of July 3rd, Betty calls for me to help her. She was getting ready for bed and fell. I checked her out and found no blood, but had to call the fire department to help her up. I am not able to because of my neck pain. Saturday, July 4th, she was hurting from pain in her back, so  I drove her to the hospital where she was admitted, but I couldn’t go in with her. They told me to go home and they would call when they found out the trouble. A few hours later, I received a call that she needed surgery in her lower back due to a small fracture. The surgery would be Thursday the 7th but I was not allowed to visit her. On the day of her surgery, I received a call from our granddaughter Desiree telling me to go to the hospital an hour before the surgery and a friend of mine who is the head nurse, would allow me to see Betty before the surgery. When I arrived at the room where they had Betty, the nurse who was prepping her, was a Christian friend, Susan. I got to meet the surgeon. God sure looks out for His children. The surgery went well and Betty is home doing very well. Our insurance provided a nurse for PT each week to care for her needs.  I keep busy taking care of Betty and all the household duties—cooking is the hardest for me. Betty was a wonderful cook and I missed the way she spoiled me.

My younger brother, Richard, went home to be with Jesus. We will miss him here, but I know we will see him someday with mother and other family members. I am so happy mom prayed for us boys and our sister to accept Jesus as our Savior. My brother Jack and I are left (me being the oldest turning 90 on my next birthday). Betty and I will celebrate our 69th wedding anniversary in November. We had to replace our washer, kitchen fan and dishwasher. Just like us, we all wear out.

1976 Walk to Teen Missions for the first timeI am getting my garden ready to plant and still dabbling in my painting. I also have been going through our many years of taking pictures (please see the insert). The first time we went to the mission field was in 1973 with our pastor and his wife to Honduras to meet Ken and Marsha Finny. It was an unbelievable place in a remote area. It was there we heard about Teen Missions from  Dr. Benson. Only God knew three years later, He would call us to serve Him with Teen Missions for 42 years. Thank you God! We led the following teams: Switzerland, Brazil, India, Honduras, Honduras, Sweden, Philippines, Philippines, Scotland, Kenya, Peru, Costa Rica, Germany Debrief, and Ukraine from 1991-2002.


Though our main U.S. ministry was cancelled this year, we were still able to connect with some teens through a program we launched called #MissionHere. Kids who were signed up to go on a team in 2020 were encouraged to join the program where we equipped them with evangelism resource packets to minister in their own communities. #MissionHere participants had several Zoom meetings where they were able to still receive missionary training and discipleship. We had almost 100 teens who participated!

Honduras TeamAt our overseas bases, Teen Missions has been able to serve in their communities as well. In India, the base is giving away food and helping with relief efforts. In Honduras, the government provided food and our staff helped to distribute it, gaining several opportunities to pray with people. In the Philippines, the government asked our Circuit Riders to go out into villages to encourage children and adults. They provided them with special IDs to make it through traveling checkpoints. COVID-19 may have changed some things, but God is still using Teen Missions in big ways!

Our life journey has been one of great blessings to God’s glory. We wonder what He has for us next. God has blessed us with 10 grandchildren, 11 great grandchildren. They are all loving and a joy to be around. Betty and I have taken eight of them overseas with us when they were old enough to carry their luggage! Betty and I want to thank each of you for your prayers over the years. Thank God we will all meet again one day in heaven.

Love to all,

Bob & Betty Lane

Pray for:

Ukraine- Bob at 60yrs Old• Family’s salvation

• Health to all

• To be a witness to those we meet along the way.

• Faithfulness to pray and give to the orphans

I want to be so full of Christ Jesus that when a mosquito bites me, she flies away singing “There’s power in the Blood”.

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