Pat Storey Newsletter (Winter 2025)
Hello from a very cold Florida (for Floridians)!
It has been a very interesting winter here. Usually, we have about two weeks of ‘sort of’ cold temperatures. This year, it has lasted a month and in the northwestern part of Florida, especially in the panhandle, had 8-10 inches of snow that stuck for a while (You probably heard about it on the news.). We did not have snow here, but it was colder than normal. This week, however, it is getting back up in the 70’s where the temperature belongs!
As you probably already know, we have been doing a lot of maintenance and remodeling here at Teen Missions Headquarters. To finish one area, we had to move everything from there to an already remodeled place and I had the pleasure of organizing a big workroom where our winter volunteers are busy making puppets, drama props and various other projects. They are such a blessing to the ministry and a huge help. Also, in that room, is the place where I have moved the literature that I pack for our summer teams and overseas bases. The same area will also be used for making our various t-shirts.
Ellie Petersen is a new staff member (after getting married last fall) and I have been helping her (a little bit) in planning a brand-new display room. It is almost remodeled and we are SO excited to get things moved into it and finish it up. It is going to be so COOL!!! You are ALL invited to come down for a visit and see it when it is complete!
We are planning to have a Leader’s Training Seminar and then First Step (training for potential new staff) at the end of February and the beginning of March. It is always exciting to train new people whether they are going to lead teams or join our staff!
Other than that, I have continued to audit finances for our overseas bases and do those normal parts of my job here.
Now, I have some news. I am making plans to move back to Iowa this November. I have been extremely blessed to work here in Florida these last 13 years, but I am excited to be closer to my family. I am NOT resigning from Teen Missions. I’m overjoyed that I will be able to stay on staff and do my work from Iowa. I will be coming back to help with Boot Camp each summer (until I’m too old) because I love this ministry and all that we are doing here. Moving away from here will be very difficult for me (I thought I would be spending the rest of my days here), but God’s plans are always better than ours and it’s always exciting to follow Him! Please pray with me as I search for housing in Iowa.
Pray also as we begin preparations for this year’s Mud Run on May 3rd. Then, of course, it will be all hands on deck to get ready for Boot Camp. I will be serving here in Florida again this summer as part of the “Launch Team”.
Thank you so much for praying for me and for Teen Missions. I appreciate your prayers very much! They make a huge difference. I also appreciate your financial support. I could never have been able to be here and do this without it and I just can never put into words how much your sacrifice means to me and all of the staff here! THANK YOU!
In Christ,