Seth & Emily Phippen Newsletter (Winter 2025)
Around the World — 1,617 youth
Did you read the story about Mable on the other side of this letter? If you haven’t, start there and come back to this after!
Mable is just one of 1,617 youth from around the world that were involved in Teen Missions Boot Camp program over this Christmas & New Year season. Mable is just one life that has been changed through Boot Camp. There were a total of 16 Boot Camp programs that just wrapped up. I have received report after report from our Country Coordinators about what God is doing in the lives of youth all around the world.
For those who have prayed and supported Emily and me and the ministry of Teen Missions, you had a global impact in the lives of a large number of people. We can’t do this on our own, and we are so thankful for the many people who make this possible. I would need more space than this newsletter to tell you all the stories of lives that have been impacted by the Gospel through the Boot Camps, the water that has been provided through wells dug over Christmas 2024, the stomachs that have been fed, and wounds that have been bandaged. All of this has been done in the name of Christ and through your partnership. Thank you!
Looking ahead at the next few months of ministry…
I have a trip to the Teen Missions base in Honduras coming up. I am excited to visit the base and work alongside the Country Coordinator and staff to implement adjustments and improvements that will enhance the impact of our ministry. Please pray for my travel and time there. I look forward to updating you when I get back. Be on the lookout for an email update! If you don’t get our email updates let us know.
Emily and I are planning to take a group of teens to Mexico this summer to serve with a ministry of Teen Missions called Mexicanos Para Alcanzar al Mundo (MPAM). Our team will work alongside national missionaries from both Mexico and Colombia. We will host a Boot Camp in Mexico. The past few years, groups of Mexican young people have been traveling to Colombia to participate in Boot Camp there. Now we are excited to bring Boot Camp to Mexico.
We have been busy working with each Country Coordinator to help them fulfill the ministry which God has called them to lead. We have big visions for reaching and teaching more people in the countries where we are serving. We are in regular communication with them, ensuring they have everything they need to successfully run the ministry in their country.
James, Lauren, Emma, and Sadie are doing well. Homeschooling is moving along with more to experience and learn everyday. The kids have been involved in co-op classes with a new homeschool co-op that is meeting at our church.
Wednesdays have been a highlight for our family recently. Every Wednesday for lunch, we feast on delicious potluck food at Teen Missions. It’s a chance for the kids to hang out with me, but let’s be honest, they’re mostly excited to see all their friends! Wednesday evenings you will find us at church. The kids can’t wait for their Wednesday night classes, amazing teachers, awesome friends, and lots of exciting activities! Emily and I are enjoying our own growth from the Bible studies that we have been attending also.
You are making a difference!
These things that we have shared are only possible because of our partnership team. If you are interested in supporting this work that God is doing, please let us know. We would love to share more about how you can be involved and become part of the team. We are looking for individuals, families and churches that will partner with us financially.
Thank God for all He has done through teens at Boot Camps all around the world this winter.
God has given us joy in the ministry and a great family through the Teen Missions staff in Florida.
For our partnership team and the ministry that has taken place because of them.
Please pray for teens like Mable from around the world as they serve God in their churches and communities.
Pray for God to prepare Emily and me for the ministry this summer in Mexico and the teens we will lead on mission there to work with MPAM.
Pray for our family that God would establish our steps every day.
Thank you for your unwavering support of Teen Missions work. Your prayers, letters, messages, and financial support are essential to the ministry God is doing through us. Your dedication to making a difference in the lives of young people around the world is truly inspiring.
Thank you for your involvement.
We could not do this without you.
Soli Deo Gloria,
Seth & Emily Phippen,
ames, Lauren, Emma, and Sadie
Contact us:
Email – [email protected]