Timothy Petersen Newsletter (Spring 2024)
Greetings from a blessed Timothy Petersen!
The Lord is so good to His kids. No matter what season of life you are in, the Lord provides. This has been a theme of my last few months and I am sensing that theme will continue in these next months. I pray that as you read this ministry update the Lord can use it to remind you of how He is there for you and is providing for you as well.
On February 22nd, I flew up to Seattle, WA to propose to my girlfriend, Ellie Lodholm. The goal was to surprise her; I knew I needed to acquire a team. Three of Ellie’s roommates (Eden, Jazzell, & Joy) helped in a huge way along with two of our other friends (Isaac & Aubrey) who helped with decorating, airport pickup, distractions, and capturing the moment of the proposal. Ellie and I were so grateful for the way God blessed the moment. We are super excited for the next chapter as we enter marriage on August 10th of this year and enter ministry together!
After the proposal, I flew back home and got prepared for our Teen Missions’ Spring Break teams. This year it was from March 24th to March 30th. The team consisted of seven teens and five leaders. It was an awesome time of being in the Word, working alongside fellow believers, and fellowship. The team worked around the Teen Missions Headquarters for four days and then took a day for fun on Good Friday. The team did a great job as they worked on hiking trails, building bridges, and setting up our Big Top #2 tent! The team also got to participate in evangelism with the Bible school students. It was an amazing experience.
What is happening now? For work, I, along with our staff team in Florida, am working on getting the property ready for our 8th Annual Tough Gator Mud Run and also our 2024 Summer Teams! It is exciting to see the TMI property change from season to season because that means around 200 youths are on their way very soon. On off hours outside of work, Ellie and I are working on planning a wedding and raising support as we join together to serve on Teen Missions staff. Ellie and I are super excited to see what the Lord is going to do in and through this season of life. As we are enjoying this time of engagement and planning for a life together, we want to ask you to join us in prayer. Join us as we seek out prayer and financial support for the ministry the Lord has for us. In September, after our wedding, we will both be joining staff with Teen Missions International! Our set budget to raise as a couple is $3500 a month. Right now, we have about half of the amount needed. Please join us in prayer as we watch God work! If you feel like God is calling you to join us as a financial supporter, you can do so by reading the instructions in this newsletter below.
Thank you so much again for your prayers, encouragement, love, and support for what the Lord is doing. There are so many different things happening around us and we feel very fortunate to be in this time. We know that God is doing and will continue to do amazing things as long as we give Him this time. I pray this ministry update finds you well and that you are blessed. Praying and trusting that you, along with your family, are blessed. May God hold you and keep you as you continue to serve Him where you are.
1 Samuel 16:7
Timothy Petersen