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Clothing Brings Excitement & Salvations!

Clothing Brings Excitement & Salvations!

Recently, children in the Sunday school circuit near Vangaindrano, Madagascar, received a special gift of clothing! With the money received from our recent Mud Run fundraiser, our TMI staff & Circuit Riders were blessed to buy and give bales of clothing to children ages 6-17 years old. 

Our Madagascar Country Coordinators, Mike and Queen, said there was a lot of excitement and the children were very happy to receive new clothes! Mike also said this, "The elders came to bring the grandkids to receive clothes and on bringing them some received Jesus Christ as their personal Savior! The chief of the community came and he received Jesus Christ as his personal Savior!" Praise the Lord!

We praise the Lord for what God is doing in Madagascar!

Mahajanga Circuit Riders

The Circuit Riders have been busy with their training! They received their new bikes and started visiting their contacts.

Greetings from Madagascar!

Update from Madagascar! Thank you for supporting the feeding program here at the Nirina School.

Mahajanga door to door ministry.

More than 100 people gave their lives to Christ!