Greetings from Team Taiwan!
The Galilee children’s camp has gotten better every day, and I’m very proud of how our team has risen to the occasion to love and minister to these children. Many of them are not from church homes, and this is a unique opportunity for them to hear the Gospel. In addition, our team has performed work projects clearing the vacant land next to the church. We’ve also cleared land on prayer mountain beyond in Fulong and today, our final workday, we plan to do land clearing at the Joshi church location about 40 minutes from here.
The top administrator of the Aodi community came to visit the team while they were working on Wednesday and was impressed with their effort and thanked the team. He then sent city workers to come with trucks to help clear the debris the team had collected. The city workers quickly bonded with the team and wanted to have a picture taken with us. The next day, one of the city workers sent a gift of cool fruit drink for the team that was working. We pray that this has opened doors with other local community members to be receptive to the gospel and come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
We don’t have space or time to list how many answers to prayer we have seen and moments of sovereign protection because of your prayers for our team this summer. We want to express our things both to the Lord, and to all of the families, Sponsor’s, and prayer partners that have made this summer a success. To God be the glory!
We plan to have a special celebration tonight with a NETCA staff and hope to hear testimonies from our host, missionaries, Richard and Jesse.
We expect to depart on the bus Saturday morning at 5 AM for the airport and our long flight ?? back home! (We plan to give the team members an opportunity to call home from the airport, so please accept any calls from the Leaders phones which will be area code 321!)
Here are some words from our team members & Noah!
Micah: This trip has been really good. I am so glad I came on this trip
Anne: Hello everyone! I’ve learned a lot in my time here, and I’ve met so many people. My time has really seen the Lord working through the camps, and although I’m excited to be going home, I’ll miss my team and the churches here. The work projects have gone, well, and the camps are making an impact on the kids.
C.J.: This summer has been a fantastic learning experience. The Lord has shown his glory through all of the people saved and baptized on this trip, and the spiritual growth of me and the rest of the TMI team will be a testimony to everyone we meet back home. Let the Lord be exalted in praised for the salvation. He brings to the needy!
Abigail: Hey! I’m going to miss Taiwan so much! It has been a meaningful trip, and God has taught me so much through the people. They have shown us what a true family in Christ is!
THE John Theisen: I think God for allowing me this wonderful opportunity to work alongside him in bringing hope to the hopeless. It has been an amazing time, and the evangelism doesn’t end with his trip.
Jeremy: The Lord has blessed our time in Taiwan by bringing souls to him, and by bringing us love for one another, which created strong team unity. I hope to see the fruits of our labor continue to bless our team and others around us.
Luke: This summer I have seen God move in many ways. He has change lives, and I have grown in my knowledge of him. See you soon..
Alex: over this trip, God has taught me numerous important lessons and shown himself to me in numerous ways. I can’t wait to share all the incredible stories!
Casendra: Hi guys, the time we have spent in Taiwan has been life-changing in so many ways! The kids have taught us just as much as we have taught them, and I am so grateful that I got the opportunity to teach them about God.
Noah: Hi everyone. These last three weeks have been a crazy roller coaster full of adventure, and just like my last years mission trip, God has not failed to teach us his Word, and grow each one of us more in the likeness of his Son. Once again, I find myself at the end of an amazing missions trip, and a summer well spent. I am not looking forward to leaving because the team feels like family and I am going to miss them all. Here’s a special thanks and shout out to all the supporters who made it possible for each person to come on this team. I have seen God impact not only Taiwan, but our team, and I know that this country will hold a special place in each of our hearts. God bless you all!
Alena: Hey mom and dad and sisters and brother and friends! In less than 24 hours will be on a plane headed to debrief… Leaving is bitter-sweet because I love the people here so much but I’m excited to see you all soon. God has moved in so many amazing ways and I can’t wait to return to Taiwan someday! Thank you for all your love, support, and prayers! Much love.
David: Dear everyone, the time in Taiwan has just been so amazing. I just feel truly blessed that I was able to minister to these amazing kids, who just have and eagerness for knowledge and truth. I wish we could stay longer, but sadly we are returning home tomorrow. Hopefully, I will be able to return to Taiwan soon. The trip has truly impacted my life for the better.
Jude: Hey family and friends at home! This summer has been so good! I have experienced abundant blessings, and I’ve had a lot of fun! Love y’all
Carmen: Almost at the end of the trip… We made a great impact on these kids and in the area. We grew a lot as a family in Christ and we hope that we can finish this week strong. This week has been crazy with the little kids and I am grateful we had this opportunity… Also. Hi mom and dad.
Katie-Grace: It’s our last day! I can’t believe we’re almost through already, we’ve been so blessed to see the spirit working through us, and to help these people! See you all soon back home!
Jonas: This last week has been fun with the kids at the camp.
Allie: Our time here has been so awesome and life-changing. Getting to be around the kids and teaching them about Jesus is something I’ll never forget, God moved in awesome ways. Love Allie
Kate: This trip has been so great! From the people to how God spoke to me. I’ve never been surrounded by love from total strangers, but this trip has taught me what the true family in Christ is. Love all the people I’ve met and can’t wait to get back to my family and amazing church family.
Isaiah: Our time in Taiwan has been amazing. God has shown all of us His glory. We have seen seeds, planted, and seeds watered. We have had fun times and somber times, but God has been faithful through it all. All I know is this trip has impacted Taiwan eternally! God will continue to do mighty works in this country. Psalm 86:9 “All the nations you have made shall come and worship before you know Lord and she’ll glorify your name.“
Arianna: My time in Taiwan has been eye-opening and has taught me that not even a language barrier or coming from a different background can stand between the love that our brothers and sisters through Christ have shown us. I will miss them greatly. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for showing me how I should love others the way that God intended.