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Another Day in São Paulo

Last night we were talking with some of the girls on our team about how we can’t know what’s coming next, and we can’t be in control of everything. We don’t always know the ways situations will turn out, and God’s plan is untimely the best plan. This morning, as we had everyone ready to check in our bags at 3am, we knew that we were going to be on a plane to Belem and meet the missionaries we’re serving with. We had plans to get settled in, make a grocery stop and be set up to start our project. But God….
God had other plans. We kept getting the runaround from the workers at the airport: take your luggage here, print your tickets there, sorry, but a some in your group is on standby. Our team prayed and prayed, but the Lord didn’t answer how we thought. Instead, we wait again. We missed our flight this morning because we didn’t feel it was a safe situation to leave a couple of our guys behind. 
With some connections from a team member’s mom, our team will leave the airport to stay at a church nearby. This is where we will be until our flight to Belem is rescheduled. Please pray for traveling mercies, our flight to be rescheduled and opportunities for our team to share the Gospel. Please pray we’d be encouraged through it all and feel the Lord’s peace.

Brazil (24001) Photo Album

Teams Arrived at 1st Debrief
By: TMI Staff
Brazil Photo
By: Brazil Team Leaders
One Last Day in Belem
By: Brazil team Leaders (13)