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Boot Camp is all too quickly coming to a close!

Greetings from team Tanzania!

Boot Camp is all too quickly coming to a close, and the team is very excited to run the Obstacle Course for the very last time tomorrow morning. Yesterday was the first day that SB's (Special Blessing Training) were issued for disqualifying on the Obstacle Course, and our team unfortunately received one since a team member's leg swung over the edge of the wall. For our SB we filled in a trench, which really helped us grow as a team despite the fact that we aren't a work team. Today however, the team ran the entire Course incredibly, so our team didn't serve a team SB today! The team has especially been enjoying all of the Bible classes in the mornings, which today consisted of the third class on Hard Questions and the second class on Maturity. On Monday and Tuesday we had the privilege of hearing from Paul Veit both in morning Bible classes and at Rally. Last night, he invited whoever felt led up to the altar to pray that God would open our hearts to love all people with the same love that God shows us, and almost all of Bootcamp came to the altar to pray! It was a truly moving moment, and it prepared us leaders and the whole team to minister through medical care to the people of Tanzania!
"Boot camp has been great. It's very difficult, but through that I have grown closer to God." -Sarah L."The Lord's Boot Camp is so much fun. It's hard, but I am enjoying it lots. My favorite part is running the obstacle course and the evangelism class." - Caden M.

 "My faith has been really tested here, but overall it has helped me to grow. Love you Mom, Dad, and Parker and anyone else reading! I'm so excited for Tanzania and the air-conditioned airport. Florida humidity is tough. See you soon! Keep us in your prayers!" - Chloe N.

"I'm so excited to see what the Lord will do through us all. It has been so fun learning medical care, how to run a Sunday School, and everything else."  - Fiona R.
Our leadership team thanks you for your prayers.

Tanzania (24006)

Greetings from Tanzania!
By: Tanzania Team Leaders (9)
We’re doing great in awesome Tanzania
By: Tanzania Team Leaders (8)
Hello everyone!
By: Tanzania Team Leaders (7)