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Brazil Travel Update

Plans don’t always go the way we expect, and that’s what has happened with Team Brazil as we began our travels on Sunday morning (June 30).

We arrived at the airport around 10:30am Sunday. We were able to check our 29 bags by 1:30pm. Going through security went well, and then we began our wait for our first flight to to Atlanta. Well, that flight became delayed because of weather to the point where we would miss our next flight to Brazil. After our leader, Brant, talked with the airline for two hours, we were able to rebook most of our flights to Brazil on July 2.

During this waiting period, our team spent time doing their Bible verse review and playing games among themselves then with others around waiting for their flights (thank you parents)! Then most of our team decided to sing some of the songs they learned at Boot Camp and had the opportunity to interact with some kids passing by. Several also witnessed with individuals. Us as leaders have been incredibly impressed with the heart of our team and desire to spread the Gospel!

After all of this, it was decided to get a ride back to Teen Missions since our flights were completely changed. Although it was at first disappointing, we knew this was all the Lord. Several of us weren’t feeling well, so an extra day to rest and recuperate was well needed.

While we were back at Teen Missions, we celebrated Paul’s 15th birthday. It was so much fun to spend that time together. Everyone also had a good nights rest in real beds and enjoyed real showers.

Now we have started our travels again. I’m writing this report as our team is sitting in Atlanta waiting for our next flight to São Paulo, Brazil. Supposedly our bags will be waiting for us there. From São Paulo, we will wait about 12 more hours to take our last connecting flight to Belem. Please continue praying for our team: for good health, good attitudes and a servant's heart to witness to those we encounter. Lord willing, our next report will be from Belem!

Brazil (24001) Photo Album

Teams Arrived at 1st Debrief
By: TMI Staff
Brazil Photo
By: Brazil Team Leaders
One Last Day in Belem
By: Brazil team Leaders (13)