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Colombia at Boot Camp!

We are excited to report our team is already beginning to bond and it is neat to see our growth.  We ran the Obstacle Course for the first time as a team yesterday and were able to get eight team members successfully over the Wall. We were all pumped by the experience and could see our team really bonded through it.  It has been neat to see the team members initiate encouragement for one another at so many points.  Most said last night was their best night of sleep yet.  We are learning to rely on the Lord and each other in so many ways.  God is good!  We request prayer for further unity and continued safety.
Lauren's quote: "I am so excited to be on a new team with new people and to see what great things God is going to accomplish in us while in Colombia."

Colombia (24010)

Our last report from Colombia :(
By: Colombia Team Leaders (13)
It’s the final countdown for Colombia!
By: Colombia Team Leaders (12)
Colombia Photo and Videos
By: Colombia Team Leaders (11)