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It’s the final countdown for Colombia!

It’s crazy to think that yesterday was our last Sunday and today is our last Monday in Colombia! We keep talking about how time has flown by!

Last week the team was hard at work trying to finish up most of our projects here! They were painting fence posts, continuing progress on building a deck, and continuing work on fencing at the top of the mountain. I want to brag on this team a little bit. Friday afternoon we were finishing up work on some fencing at the top of the mountain. The hike to get to this location is not easy in the slightest. This team two by two carried up fence posting and barbwire up the mountain to the project sight. Jonah M. Went up and down 9 times. Ava W., Natalie C., Henry C., and Joylynn O. Worked all day up there on getting the fencing completed. Ms. Delaynie and Rebekah W. Brought them up some sandwich for lunch and stayed with them a little bit to rest before making the descent.

Saturday afternoon Mr Pablo gave the team a half day of work and they appreciated it so much! These kids truly have been working so so hard they have not had simple work to do, and they have been handling it so well. They are such hard workers and they are not complainers at all! The team enjoyed some naps and took extra time reading their library books on Saturday! We also had some time for the first time ever to practice quizzing! Staying caught up on verses has not been easy for this team, but it was encouraging to see them jump for verses even though they didn’t always know them.

Sunday morning we had church here at the base. Mr Pablo shared a message in faith and the team got to continue to practice their dancing during worship. We spent the afternoon having fellowship with the staff and students here. One of the students here name Jonathan is a licensed barber and some of the boys were able to get their hair cut. We were fed a delicious meal and got to play games and to take it easy which was much appreciated.

This week is our final week here in Colombia before we head back to Florida for debrief. Wednesday we are taking a bus to go to a water park and then we are going to go to a mall to do some shopping. The team is prepared for this week to be busy and go by quickly.

Please pray for our team! Pray that we stay in good health and that we persevere through these last few days of work. Thank you all so much for your support and encouragement!

Hey guys! Colombia has been so good so far! The weather is holding up, it has been warm and beautiful! This morning we got up at 5 AM to hike up the mountain. The view was gorgeous! The Lord painted a beautiful picture for us to see. After worshiping in a time of prayer, we ran down the mountain for breakfast. This is our last week! I am so sad, but I can’t wait to see my family in home when we get back. I’m proud of how our work project is coming. We’ve been working hard, and it’s been paying off. I love Mr. Pablo, the local pastor we’re working with. He is so kind and so sweet to us. God has blessed us in so many ways . I am definitely coming back next year, the joy we get to see on the students faces make me so happy. Please continue to pray for health and safety. We are leaving on Sunday for debrief. So pray for safe travels. Can’t wait to call you guys at the airport!- Mary R.

Dear family, hi this is Alex. I’m here in Colombia. It’s so beautiful here, the people are really nice, and fun, they love to play a lot of soccer and do a lot of work. I pray for all of you every night, that all of you family are growing in Christ each day and that there’s nothing better in the world then having a family and loving Jesus. - Alex B.

Hey everyone! I hope you all are good and having a good summer. We have less than a week until we leave Colombia, and I’m honestly kind of sad to leave. Being here has been so peaceful and the Lord has been working through my heart and many ways. The work here has been very hard, but I’ve been learning how to become a hard worker. I can’t wait to see you all; I miss you and I’m praying for you all daily. PS don’t be surprised if I come back speaking Colombian Spanish. Los amo mucho - Taneisha O.R.

My time in Colombia has been amazing. While the work is very physically tiring. At the end of every day, I am proud of our team for working so hard. One of the hardest things we did was walking up the mountain multiple times, but the view was amazing and it was very worth it. Our team always looks forward to the meals because our leaders clean our great at cooking and we are able to relax and talk with each other. I’m sad that this is our last week, but I know that we accomplished a lot, and God has been working on us also.- Mayah E.

Colombia (24010)

Our last report from Colombia :(
By: Colombia Team Leaders (13)
Colombia Photo and Videos
By: Colombia Team Leaders (11)
Colombia team sharing the Gospel
By: Colombia Team Leaders (10)