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Colombia team is on their way!

Boot camp is over! On Saturday night boot camp came to an end and we had our commissioning service on Saturday night (6/29). It was such a pleasure to watch this team during this service and to see how far they have come since the first day of boot camp. They have grown so much in just ten days and have become a team that has been a blessing to lead.

On Saturday evening as some teams left for the field we stayed behind. After commissioning service we were absolutely spoiled by a few of our team members parents. The team was in heaven as they stuffed their bellies with sweet treats and drinks and ended the night by sleeping in air conditioned dorms.

Sunday was our day take down the Big Top, clean up the Teen Missions property and to pack. Our team, the Poland team, and the Zambia team all worked so hard and many hands made light work because they had the big top down and their responsibility finished by lunch! After lunch we all loaded up on a bus to go to a laundromat so that the team would have clean DRY cloths to pack. The rest of the day we focused hard on getting everyone’s duffles and backpacks packed and ready to go! Everyone worked so hard and they were able to take most of the night to bathe, rest and have fellowship with the other teams who had not left yet.

Today Monday July 1st we left the Teen Missions Property. Our team woke up this morning cleaned up their dorms and did some last minute packing and we were off. 14 team members, 4 leaders, 2 leader kids and 30 bags. We arrived at the airport this morning at 9:00 this morning and were through security by 11:30. Our first flight from Orlando to Miami was at 1:25 and we landed in Miami by 2:30. Right now we are waiting at our gate for our flight for Bogota, Colombia! We will arrive at 9:25 and will arrive at our project location in Silvania, Cundinamarca by hopefully no later than 12:30am.

Thank you all so much for all of your thoughts and prayers. We appreciate you all so very much and we will try to keep you all as updated as possible!

Hey family, today was my first flight ever! It was very exciting! The Lord is blessing me with strength and peace!
-Joylynn O.
Hi my beautiful family. I finally got to the point where we have flown out of Orlando, so that means I made it out of Boot Camp well and alive. I miss you all so much, but I am excited for the journey I have ahead of me. I have learned so much so far. So much about discipline and patience and how to push through despite the pain or any physical challenges. I can’t wait for my time on the field!
-Miah E.

Hey family! We are on the way to Columbia today and I am beyond excited. God has helped me all through Boot Camp and even though Columbia will be difficult, I know he’ll be getting me through and giving me strength. I love you all and miss you.??
-Teneisha O.

Hi Boutin fam!! I’m writing this in Miami right now we’re playing cards and I’m thinking of you. I’m blessed to be here. I love you so much. See you in 31 days!??
Lauren B.

Colombia (24010)

Our last report from Colombia :(
By: Colombia Team Leaders (13)
It’s the final countdown for Colombia!
By: Colombia Team Leaders (12)
Colombia Photo and Videos
By: Colombia Team Leaders (11)