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Commissioning Night is on the horizon!

Our team is SO ready and eager for Poland when they can finally stop sweating and swatting mosquitoes!

The leaders are right there with them, lol. 

Our classes have become less focused on construction and more focused on evangelism skills this week. We are working hard on putting together a presentation to use during our evangelism opportunities in Poland. The presentation consists of songs, puppets, dramas, and a testimony all put together. They are singing the songs, "I Thank God" and "Gratitude," and they are doing a fantastic job. We have worship leaders on this team! Audrey M. and Anthony Z. are playing guitar for the songs and are doing a great job, too. 

Last night, we went around the circle and gave everyone the opportunity to share what God has been teaching them. It was very encouraging to hear how the Lord has been stirring and working in each others' lives. I continue to be impressed by the openness and fellowship of this team. 

Looking ahead, we will run the Obstacle Course for the last time tomorrow. Most of the leaders will join the team as well. Friday and Saturday will be all about taking down Boot Camp and beginning to pack up. Our team has the opportunity to serve on Commissioning Day by running the parking lot. We get to move into dorms on Commissioning Day since we don't fly out until Monday, and everyone is looking forward to the A/C. 

We appreciate prayers to finish strong and to be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit!


From the Team:
Boot Camp is Boot Camp, lol. But it is actually going good. Our team won Miss Piggy which means we have the cleanest campsite. We also did great on the Obstacle Course with a team record of 16 people up the wall. My team is really fun and we have the best leaders. My favorite part is Rally at the end of the day. The worship is phenomenal. Love - Lindsey N.

This year at Boot Camp the Lord has been teaching me and growing me in my faith. I am sooo blessed to have an amazing team and the best leaders Ic ould ever ask for. My favorite part of Boot Camp is the Obstacle Course. - Madison Q.

Boot Camp has been pretty fun. I enjoy participating in both the construction classes and the evangelism classes. All of it has been great, but I can not wait to get to Poland. - Corban H. 

Poland (24007)

It’s our last day in Jawor!
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Nearly three weeks down and one to go here in Poland!
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