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Excitement is buzzing....

Excitement is buzzing (and so are the mosquitos) here at the Lord's Boot Camp! Our whole team has safely arrived and settled into their tents. We were blessed with extra time in our orientation schedule yesterday to thoroughly clean up the tents and organize our belongings. Our assistant lady leader, Ms. Emma, is serving as Ms. Piggy this year, so our goal is to exceed her expectations!

During Orientation Day yesterday, we had the opportunity to walk through the Obstacle Course for the first time and complete each obstacle as a team. Our team did an amazing job of working together and cheering one another on. We may not have gotten everyone over the Wall (all but one!), and a few fell in the Slough, but I am proud of the team work that they displayed. 

After the rally, we each shared our personal goal for Boot Camp specifically, and I was impressed with how genuine and real the team was with each other. They have broken the ice quickly and are already becoming like a family!

Today is Day One of training and as I write this, our team is at Drama class learning how to spread the Gospel through skits. After Drama, they will have Puppets, then Carpentry for two hours before we end our schedule with Free Time and Bath/Laundry. 

We have talked about how every rule and "way of doing things" here at Boot Camp serves a purpose and is intentional. When I explained why we try not to have any gaps when walking in a line, the team took that and ran with it! It is hilarious to hear them calling out, "No gaps!" to each other every few seconds to make sure they are staying together. I hear they are planning some kind of chant to even keep them in step! I'll keep you posted!

I am excited to see how the Lord has already begun to work in these kids and will continue during our training. We appreciate your prayers! We can feel them already!

From the team:
Hey y'all! I'm glad to be back at Boot Camp again. It is amazing to see all the new faces as well as faces I recognize from previous years. We are all so appreciative of all the prayers from people back home. Thank you for your support!- Sadie P.

Hey guys! It is so fun being back and seeing all my old friends as well as making new ones. Thank you to everyone that supported me and are praying for me. Miss y'all! -Cyrus E.

Hey y'all! I'm so glad that I am back at TMI with everyone! I hope you are doing well. I love you all and miss y'all. - Levi S.

Poland (24007)

It’s our last day in Jawor!
By: Poland Team Leaders (11)
Nearly three weeks down and one to go here in Poland!
By: Poland Team Leaders (10)
Back to the daily grind in Poland!
By: Poland Team Leaders (9)