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For His glory!

That is our team callback and theme for the summer. The Poland team is committed to doing and saying everything for His glory alone, and it is truly evident in their behavior! 
Yesterday, our team worked for two hours in the swamp pulling out trimmed palm fronds, branches, and brush. This wasn't an SB (special blessing), just a regular work class, and I was so proud of how hard our team worked together. A job like that can tend to bring out bad attitudes, but not with this crew. Like I said above, they are committed to doing everything to the glory of God! We ended the day watching Mud, Sweat, and Cheers (an old movie about TMI), and eating popcorn. Everyone seemed to go to bed in great spirits! A few have been struggling to sleep at night, so prayers for restful sleep are much appreciated!
We have learned an entire skit, several puppet shows, carpentry skills, digging skills, and more so far during our training hours. We are looking forward to our Advanced Evangelism and other classes for the second week of Boot Camp. Tonight is pizza and milkshake which has everyone in extra cheerful moods. We started the day with a Sunday Galilean church service where we gathered around a lake bank and the speaker gave a message from a boat in the water. Then we had our first round of verse quizzing. The team is doing a good job saying their verses, and many are several days ahead. We get the pool this afternoon, which will be a nice refreshing treat! 
From the team:
Hey mom, dad, and Danielle! It's cool here at Boot Camp. My team is wonderful. We became friends quickly. Surprisingly, I haven't noticed not having my phone with me. The classes are cool, too. Mosquitoes stink as always. Miss y'all so much! Love you lots!- Siobhan H.
Hey mom and dad! Boot Camp is tough but pretty great. It is nice having a schedule and the days go by surprisingly fast. People are super nice and I love the Christian community. It is hard being sweaty all day, but it will all be worth it for the field. Miss you tons! Love- Emily P.
Hey, y'all McFarlane Clan! These people are amazing! I am having such an amazing time. The Holy Spirit is so heavy here. I am enjoying Boot Camp way more than I thought I would. I haven't been bit once and I am not even using bug spray. Love and miss y'all!- Audrey M.

Poland (24007)

It’s our last day in Jawor!
By: Poland Team Leaders (11)
Nearly three weeks down and one to go here in Poland!
By: Poland Team Leaders (10)
Back to the daily grind in Poland!
By: Poland Team Leaders (9)