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Germany Team After Commissioning Report

Hello from the Germany team! 
We would like to thank everyone who came out for the Commissioning Service yesterday. 
It was an amazing day and it was great to get to meet so many of the family members of our team. The whole team would also like to appreciate all the snacks, drinks and goodies that you shared with us for our party yesterday. Because we had a short time yesterday to party and enjoy the time since our team was given the responsibility to prep the Big Top tent for take down we planned our pizza party for today. We just got done with our party and it was a huge hit. Clara mentioned how much fun it was to be able to just sit back and enjoy the fellowship of the team. The team also commented about how incredible it was that they all connected so quickly with each other over such a short period of time. Sam even mentioned how he didnt think that he could grow closer to a team than his team last year but said that already he feels just as close to this team! 
We are so thankful for the part that you parents and loved ones have played in the unity, fun and joy of our team. You have had a hand in providing the food, drinks and goodies for our team to enjoy as well as praying for the unity, protection and team spirit that we are enjoying. 
The past few days have been very wet. We have had a lot of rain. The day before commissioning our tentsite was very wet and difficult to get to the tents. We laid down some boards that we could walk across so we could stay out of the water and try to keep our feet more dry. This made it difficult to take down and dry our tents but the team worked together and we were able to accomplish this together. 
July 1st after breakfast we head to the airport and start our journey to Germany. The next report will be from Germany! Please pray for us as we travel and for our time in Germany. As our team call and response says "Not I, but Christ". This is our team motto as we try to put Christ ahead of us in all we do. We are excited about the victories that we had during Boot Camp and we believe that God has made us ready for the next challenges that are ahead of us. We have so much to be thankful for! 
May God bless you all as you await news from the Germany team. 

Germany (24003)

Germany is traveling
By: Germany Team Leaders (11)
Hello and greetings from cool Mohesee, Germany.
By: Germany Team Leaders (10)
Hello and greetings from cool Mohesee, Germany.
By: Germany Team Leaders (9)