Greetings from Arusha!
Today we traveled to Arusha to attend a church service. The team gave another presentation, Andrew and Lacey gave testimonies… the team performed puppets and did the Battleground drama. Afterwards Mr. Steve gave the morning sermon.
While in the big city, we stopped at Pizza Hut! The team was pretty excited. There was a big grocery store next-door so the team did some shopping as well.
On Thursday and Friday, the team continued planting bananas… they’ve planted over 122 now. Work also continued on the concrete sidewalk next to the dining hall.
On Friday morning the team visited a primary school and were well received.
On Saturday we caught up on laundry, memory verses, and in the afternoon we did evangelism at the Donyo Sunday School.
In the evening, we had fun quizzing and we played a game for our “fun night“.
We appreciate all of your prayers, we’ve had some coughs and sniffles from the African dust, but no one is in the ‘sick tent’ … for that we are grateful to the Lord!
From Julia- Hi mom and dad and Catherine! I miss you! God has been teaching me that he is good and I’ve been blessed to see the smiles on the faces of the Tanzanian people when we perform. When we interact with the children, it makes me so happy that God chose me to come and spread his gospel here in Tanzania. I am excited for what he has in store for me and my team.
Julian - Hey mom and dad and Vi and everyone else,
We got to Tanzania and it’s pretty great here. We work almost every day and so far I have dug trenches for water pipe, planted bananas, poured concrete footers and laid some blocks.
We got to Tanzania and it’s pretty great here. We work almost every day and so far I have dug trenches for water pipe, planted bananas, poured concrete footers and laid some blocks.
We’ve been learning verses and having Devos every night too. The base here is awesome because it is clear and we can see Mount Kilimanjaro.
We have also been doing presentations for churches and Sunday schools and it’s great when the kids join in. I did some of the dramas and Puppets. There is also a Tanzania soda called Stoney which is really good. It’s been a great trip so far and I hope the rest of it is just as good.