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Greetings from the Colombia team!


Greetings from the Colombia team! We are halfway through our second week in Colombia and we have been busy! The team has been hard at work digging post holes for fencing and cleaning up and preparing the worksite so that it will be ready next week for them to start working on building a sidewalk. The team has been digging, cutting things with machetes, and have been making work lines with the students here and things are moving so efficiently. Mr Pablo is so pleased with the team and the work that they have done so far! We have been so blessed to go a whole three days without anybody going in the sick tent! Which means our team virus has passed, praise the Lord! On Tuesday we got invited to have dinner with the staff and students here in Colombia. Miah E. And Mayah E. got to work with their KP and helped with making flat bread. Our team was so incredibly spoiled with a huge meal and we got to enjoy fellowship with the staff and students.
Today was Pablo’s birthday!! The team had a half day of work today so that we could celebrate with everyone. We were once again spoiled with another meal. Let me tell you about this burger. Imagine… a massive cheese burger with BBQ sauce, bacon, lettuce, tomato, and fried egg. It was so delicious! Some of us needed to lay down after this meal it was such a treat! We spent the rest of the day playing games and spending time with one another. It has been so fun watching Ava W speaking in Spanish with the students. We were served cake and ended the night by watching a soccer game with everyone.
This weekend pray for safe travels because we were given the opportunity to travel 5 hours to another church so that we can give presentations at three different church services. We will only be gone Saturday and Sunday, and Monday we will be back to work!
Thank you all so much for your thoughts and prayers for this team. Please pray that we remain healthy for the rest of the summer!

Colombia has been amazing! Our base has a beautiful view of a valley and mountains. It has been really cool to see how our team has come together since we have been here. We have been working very hard on the different construction projects, and it is encouraging to see the fruits of our labor! I have loved getting to experience the culture here; I’ve been practicing a lot of Spanish, and have really enjoyed watching the Colombian soccer team. Lots of love from Colombia!!! -Ava W.

Hi fam!!! I miss you so much HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMMY!!!! I hope you had an amazing time doing whatever you did to celebrate. I made it out of sick tent on Sunday and I have been feeling way better. The showers are extremely cold and literally steam comes off of my body, but oh well I love you guys so so so much and I hope you get joy from this! LOVE YA!! I’ll see you soon! ??-Lauren B.

Hello people! I don’t even know where to begin, and it’s only been two weeks. My team and I have been putting in so many hours of hard work. I’ve been learning so many things, both physically and spiritually. 1.) I’m no good at cutting branches 2.) I can dig an incredible post hole. 3.) I can do hard things for the Lord! I can work hard to the glory of God. I’m learning what it is to be blessed and the process of blessing others. I’m seeing God work in the lives of my fellow team members, seeing the Lord in the hearts of the people here in Colombia, and seeing how the Lord sustains and comfort (even when the showers are FREEZING). I count myself so blessed to be here, despite all the silly things I could maybe sort of complain about lol- I can’t wait to see all that the Lord continues to do! Love you, bye!- Rebekah W.

Colombia (24010)

Our last report from Colombia :(
By: Colombia Team Leaders (13)
It’s the final countdown for Colombia!
By: Colombia Team Leaders (12)
Colombia Photo and Videos
By: Colombia Team Leaders (11)