Greetings in the Lord from Kilimanjaro!
Here's a word from some of the team members:
Hello everybody! This is Josiah. Work has been going very well. We have been digging a trench for waterlines so a field can be irrigated. It is pretty hard work, but I have found it enjoyable. On Saturday, we worked for the first half of the day, then, we led a Sunday School, afterward, we played with the kids... that was really fun. On Sunday, we got dressed up and went to church. We watched an engagement ceremony (between services). We then did our presentation for the church. At the base, we had a beautiful view of Mt. Kilimanjaro.
Hi, my name is Bea, I am on the Tanzania team and I wanted to tell you guys what we have been up to... The last couple of days, we have been digging for a water pipe. Yesterday, we did a presentation for the Sunday School kids that came in and it was so much fun. I have been learning a lot and I have been growing closer to God. I learned to trust in God even in hard times. I love Tanzania and the people here are so sweet. I hope you guys have an awesome day. Hi mom and dad! Love Bea