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Hello Everyone!

For the past few days, the team has been busy with our Boot camp schedule and classes. 
We have had multiple medical classes, one on first aid, one on eyeglass fitting, and one on the basics of CPR. It’s a lot of information but they are all doing great and asking lots of good questions. 
Our other classes have included music, drama, and evangelism. The team members are doing great in music class we almost have a full presentation put together and the current songs include “Walk Walk Walk,” “Fill Up My Cup,” and “Rest On Us.” Chloe has been playing the guitar for rest on us and Elly and Abby have both helped the team learn the lyrics for all the songs. Caden M is the leading voice on the low side of fill up my cup and Elly is leading the high side. In drama, the team members have been learning all about using skits to share the Gospel. During rallies, everyone enjoyed worshiping and the nightly shake of the world. We had kitchen patrol this week and it was a great opportunity for the team to practice service to others. They all did well and stayed positive despite the busy day. The Obstacle Course is going well and the team got 7 people over the wall last time, everyone is improving at crossing the slough and the number of wet boots goes down daily.
On Sunday we went to the Galilean church service at one of the base's lakes. It was beautiful out and seeing so many Christians all gathered to worship the Lord and serve this summer was cool. In the afternoon we had pool time which was lots of fun and a nice break from the warm weather. Tonight is milkshake night and the team is getting really excited for it!  

Hey! Boot Camp has been super fun and a great experience. The food has been really good and the Obstacle Course has been a fun challenge. I also love getting up to praise the Lord during rallies. 
- Caden C.

I've been enjoying Boot Camp a lot so far! It’s challenging in lots of ways, but it’s a growing experience. I think my favorite thing so far has been the Obstacle Course
- Mari W. 

Hey y'all! Boot Camp is going well! I'm slightly slap-happy and an involuntary donor to the numerous mosquitos but we had the opportunity to serve all of Boot Camp lunch and dinner which was nice. I am enjoying getting to know my team and grow in team unity. gotta go now! 
-Hope V

Tanzania (24006)

Greetings from Tanzania!
By: Tanzania Team Leaders (9)
We’re doing great in awesome Tanzania
By: Tanzania Team Leaders (8)
Hello everyone!
By: Tanzania Team Leaders (7)