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Hello friends and family of the Philippines team!

It seems like most of the team is finally starting to figure out this time change! We’ve all been sleeping at night! Yay!

The team has started working on their project! We’re having our team split into alternating groups, one works on the driveway, and one paints the the large building we’re staying in.

Working on the driveway is hard work in the sun. They’ve been hauling gravel, sand, and cement then mixing it and pouring it. The drive way is long and steep, and it will be a huge blessing to the base here.

The building is almost completely turning yellow! It is a dark Ford blue, and the team has been doing a great job with the first coat of yellow. We think it will take about three coats of paint to cover the blue.

The team got to do a fun night with other Filipino team that is staying on the property. The teams shared food and games with each-other. The kids had an absolute blast getting to know the Filipino team members. Everybody had fun.

They’ve also enjoyed playing basketball with the staff, students and team members. The property has a full outdoor court that the team has really enjoyed using.

The team has also really been enjoying the fruit. We’ve been eating a lot of pineapples and mangos. I even got all of your kids to eat cabbage!

After our long travel, and finally getting settled, we feel like we are finally getting a good schedule down.

We’re thankful for you prayers!
The Philippines Leadership Team

I’ve had a really great time in the Philippines. The people here are really funny and friendly. The country is beautiful and the towns are interesting and lively. I love it so far. - Morriah

It’s great. It’s fun getting to hang out with the Filipino team that’s on the base. It’s awesome seeing the road come together. - Luke

I’ve enjoyed the beautiful scenery. I really enjoyed hanging out with the Filipino team. We’ve been eating lots of rice. - Jade

I love it here. The Filipino people are very friendly and funny. I enjoy spending time with them a lot. We’ve gotten to hang out with the Filipino team. It’s beautiful and the food is good. I’m excited to go hiking soon, and I’m enjoying less mosquitoes that at Boot Camp. I miss my dog Hemi. - Josie

Boot camp and field time have been really fun. Being here in the Philippines is great. We’ve accomplished a lot of work already. I especially enjoy hanging filipino teams, and playing games with them. Happy birthday dad! - Josh

Philippines (24011)

Our time in the Philippines is coming to an end!
By: Philippines Team Leaders (11)
Philippines Report
By: Philippines Team Leaders (10)
What an exhilarating whirlwind this week has been!
By: Philippines Team Leaders (9)